How to Safely Lose 1% Body Weight Each Week

6 months ago

So yeah what do you sort of recommend when you are cutting like one percent of your body weight per week to be like sort of safe to maintain the lean tissue and you know keep the hormones nice and safe you know the t3 and the testosterone and things like that you think about one percent generally about right of your body weight per week to be quite safe I don't know I wouldn't give it a percentage because I couldn't actually break it down because I never usually use it like that I found it just comes to food So if you're not getting your body enough food it's not producing what it needs You're not having them essential fats as well especially if you're going to need them essential fats because all your hormones run off the essential fats So the majority would be more a factor of them you know like not having them essential fats Let's say like at the moment I do a type of diet where I eat hardly any essential fats

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