08.25.2024.The Angelic Conflict Part 23: Satan's Plan for You...

5 months ago

Lewis Sperry Chafer, “Systematic Theology", vol. 2 , Pages 100-101

Next to the lie itself, the greatest delusion Satan imposes — reaching to all unsaved
and to a large proportion of Christians — is the supposition that only such things as society considers evil could originate with the devil — if, indeed, there be any devil to originate anything.

It is not the reason of man, but the revelation of God, which points out that governments, morals, education, art, commercialism, vast enterprises and organizations, and much of religious activity are included in the cosmos diabolicus.

That is, the system which Satan has constructed includes all the good which he can incorporate into it and be consistent in the thing he aims to accomplish.

A serious question arises whether the presence of gross evil in the world is due to Satan’s intention to have it so, or whether it indicates Satan’s inability to execute all he has designed.
The probability is great that Satan’s ambition has led him to undertake more than any creature could ever administer.
Revelation declares that the whole cosmos-system must be annihilated — not its evil alone, but all that is in it, both good and bad. God will incorporate nothing of Satan’s failure into that kingdom which He will set up in the earth.

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