Dr. Robert “Bob” Beck – Suppressed Medical Discoveries

6 months ago

Did you know that most of the so called “incurable” diseases – like AIDS and terminal Cancers can be cured for the price you spend on a pack of gum?

Did you know that curing disease is considered the Ultimate SIN?

If there are any individuals that are curing disease they will be persecuted and if they don’t play ball and cool their jets, they may be framed for a felony crime and imprisoned.

What does Big Pharma charge for giving the cancer causing poison, chemo?

What percentage of people recover from chemo?

Very few.

They base their “Success” off of Survival “RATES” and that always fluctuates and they also base the “success” of chemo off of “Progression Free Survival” – yes, the cancer will not progress because no cells can thrive in the body with that potent of a poison.

When you hear the words Effective and Successful in the clinical trial big pharma arena – it is most likely NOT what you would think.

It definitely doesn’t mean that the medication – “Poisons” help the body heal. It is usually based off of BOGUS primary endpoints that are not even correlated with healing in any way. But they make it sound good.

Put a little lipstick on a pig and call that sow beautiful.

In short, chemo is a sham. Yes, there are cases in which the young can overcome some blood cancers being treated by chemo because their immune systems are much stronger, and we have to question whether there is any permanent effects.

Most cancer doctors - ( oncologists) polled would not treat their family members with chemo but they have absolutely no problem recommending it for others and collecting those insane paychecks. Most of their patients die a horrible death, but hey, that money is GOOOD.

What if there are really TWO sectors of Big Pharma?

One that is hoarding technology that can heal and one that is focusing treating symptoms and “maintaining” illness and disease.

"Suppressed Medical Discovery" is the title Bob Beck gave to this lecture at the Granada Forum in Los Angeles 1997.

He shares his excitement at learning about the research by medical doctors at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City.

What if there really was a SIMPLE way to disable viruses and bacteria and other harmful pathogens?

Well, Bob Beck shares his knowledge of technology that has been shoved under the rug and hidden and he developed his own treatment protocol, called “The Beck Protocol.”

Please see Source #5 below – called “Guide to Using the Beck Protocol” for more information.

I have provided other good sources below on Dr. Beck’s work. If interested check them out. Sources #3 and #4 may be more difficult to comprehend – I included them because they go into more detail, but the others are easy to read and understand.

*Note: I totally do not agree with Dr. Bob Beck on some things – Eating Garlic is good for you because it mimics the pathogens frequencies and has the properties to kill pathogens, now the garlic in the blood might be true, but eating IS good for you. And Olive Oil and Lemon Juice for a liver cleanse is absolutely completely insane – Olive Oil is harmful to the liver – just lemon juice and clean water is the way to clean the liver – no olive oil. I do lemon juice and water on empty stomach the very first thing every morning.


1. The Lotus -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SZXqxKSrtA

2. Dr. Robert Beck Biography -- https://www.bobbeck.com/pdfs/bob-beck-biography.pdf

3. Electroporation a General Phenomenon for Manipulating Cells and Tissues -- https://web.archive.org/web/20131228160611id_/http://epore.mit.edu:80/papers/2000_2.pdf

4. The Phenomenon of Electroporation -- https://lbk.fe.uni-lj.si/pdfs/smk_and_miklavcic_-_the_phenomenon_of_electroporation_2022.pdf

5. Guide to Using the Beck Protocol -- https://www.bobbeck.com/pdfs/guide-to-using-the-beck-protocol.pdf

6. The Beck Protocol – First Aid Kit of the Future – Using Microcurrents of Electricity -- https://www.bobbeck.com/pdfs/beck-protocol-handbook.pdf

7. Build Your Own Bob Beck Electrification Unit -- https://www.bobbeck.com/pdfs/build-your-own.pdf


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END. 8/27/2024 – 6:00 PM

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