Dayve 8/13 Synch- New Footage w/ Audio of Police Questioning

4 months ago

full synch pinned on Dayve's TL @realDJStew724

Notes I jotted down on the audio:

police passing pics of head blown off
police radio blood in bathroom shooter dead on roof and second shooter loose
someone told police dayve and crooks talked

do you know of any red pickup truck
the one in custody and we dont know why
the only reason we think bc he had a knife on him
but uh.. theyre all witnesses
and they had good video. so they took the guy in the red they took his phone and he has good picture of the guy shooting and getting shot
[WHO IS THAT? DAYVE?? Dayve says he has video of being shot at]
"they saw someone on top of the water tower"

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