The Greatest Coverups

1 month ago

THE GREATEST COVERUPS: Former Head of the FBI confirms that 9/11 was orchestrated at the highest level by the U.S. Government. Oklahoma city bombing, JFK, RFK assassinations, World Trade Center and Child Sex Trafficking by the Military, CIA and Politicians are all huge coverups.

It is confirmed through documented evidence that the FBI had advance knowledge of the 9/11 attacks and did nothing to prevent this from occurring. He goes on to say that It is very obvious that this whole thing has been orchestrated by the powers at be, at the highest level of our government and he wants the world to know about it.

They are using terrorism as an excuse to take away our constitutional rights and civil liberties, murdering thousands of innocent Americans. 9/11 was all orchestrated. The Twin Towers and building 7 were imploded. The planes did not bring the buildings down. They were imploded deliberately.

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