Under The Plume: Remington Wildfire Explodes - Pyrocumulous Development & Massive Smoke "Cap"

5 months ago

The "Remington Incident" began just across the border into Wyoming until blowing up across the border into Montana thanks to strong winds from a powerful low pressure system to the southwest. POV and conditions combined to allow for an impressive (if frightening) witness of its fast-forming pyrocumulous "fire cloud". Along with its miles-long smoke cap that remained at altitude, forming a discrete lid over the landscape, black as the worst thunderstorm.
Big fire. Big smoke. Still odd to realize that the Wyoming border is so close after years in NW Montana. Salute as always to those fighting these beast. Unimaginable to see this in pioneer times. About 5x further away than it seems but without the firefighters it could easily travel unopposed until next rain.

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