Scientific Faith | Exploring The Within & Without

6 months ago

Discussing faith and science, related to the supposed Big Bang, our logical understanding of creation as we perceive it in the Physical World and throughout the Universe. Occam's Razor rethink related to an extra-dimensional source for our Universe, like a computer creating another dimension that a program exists within, it's parameters and rules. Perhaps a program or being created within it is unaware the programmer's dimension is the source of the perceived Big Bang of framework that comprises and manages its existence at all. What would a being within a 3 dimensional environment, managed by 2 dimensional layers of information, that owes its existence to the programmer who constructed it and everything it can ever know call him? Just to explain it in a Tronesque sort of way, what is a creator to his creation? A scientific theme makes it no less divine, like Christ changing water into wine, altering the energetic structure's information to generate wine for his disciples, he created the Universe and therefore can alter the programming, so to speak, within it. How would our Creator appear and disappear when visiting us within his creation? Perhaps exactly as he did when appearing and disappearing before Mary Magdalene and The Disciples following his resurrection. He arrived here by human birth so we could know him as a man and understand his love and compassion for us and our imperfect existence. Arriving through what we perceive as imperfection, allowing us to connect with him, relate to him and then physically departing Earth in perfection after showing us he's faced the same fear we all face as mortals when he was crucified as man. His message that we don't have to be afraid and that he's shared our pain so he can understand us completely. Science is just pigment of this masterpiece and his will is the artwork. Believing in science above all is like a stock car driver worshiping a transmission, just an automotive component. Sure it's a necessary part of that driver's victory, but is in no way singular to the victory's contributions. There's many aspects of that victory and the will to accomplish it is the glue which coalesces them, as God's Will is the glue which makes our victory possible.

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