Psalm 34: 1-4 Tune: Paisley

6 months ago

Sing Psalms
Psalm 34: 1-4
"At all times I will bless the LORD; I’ll praise him with my voice."
Tune: Paisley
Falkirk Free Church
The images are only intended to provide resonances with some aspects of the psalm; they are not intended as a one-to-one correspondences. They are more like visual cross-references.
images: Daniel in the lion's den (Daniel 6)


1 At all times I will bless the LORD;
I’ll praise him with my voice.
2 Because I glory in the LORD,
let troubled souls rejoice.

3 Together let us praise the LORD;
exalt his name with me.
4 I sought the LORD; his answer came:
from fears he set me free.

5 They look to him and shine with joy;
they are not put to shame.
6 This suffering man cried to the LORD;
from him deliverance came.

7 The angel of the LORD surrounds
and guards continually
All those who fear and honour him;
he sets his people free.

8 Come, taste and see—the LORD is good;
who trusts in him is blessed.
9 O fear the LORD, you saints; with need
you will not be oppressed.

10 Young lions may grow weak and faint
and hunger for their food,
But those who wait upon the LORD
will not lack any good.

11 Come here, my children! Gather round
and listen to my word;
And I will help you understand
how you may fear the LORD.

12 Does anyone delight in life
and long to see good days?
13 Then keep your tongue from evil speech,
your lips from lying ways.

14 Depart and turn from evil paths
and practise what is right.
Desire to know the way of peace;
pursue it with your might.

15 The LORD’s eyes are upon the just;
he listens to their plea.
16 The wicked he rejects, and blots
from earth their memory.

17 The righteous cry; the LORD responds
and frees them when distressed.
18 The LORD draws near the broken heart
and rescues the depressed.

19 From all the troubles of the just
the LORD will set him free.
20 The LORD protects his every bone;
and broken none will be.

21 The wicked are condemned to death,
all those who hate the just.
22 God saves his own; they’re not condemned,
for in the LORD they trust.

#shorts #psalms #psalm34 #bible #dailyverse #singpsalms

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