Khazars: Turkic Jewish Converts (sons of Ashkenaz.)

5 months ago

According to Arthur Koestler, an Ashkenazi Jew himself who wrote the thirteenth tribe, he theorized that the world has possibly mistaken the identity of his Jewish ancestors who were converts from Khazaria, for being the real descendants of Judah & Israel mentioned in the Bible.

Professor Eran Elhaik, an Israeli geneticist, recently discovered that his Jewish ancestry derived from Eastern European tribes who migrated to the Caucasus from Askenaz, Turkey.

The Bible itself says that Ashkenaz was a son of Gomer, who was the son of Japheth not Shem (Semitic). And they settled in Asia Minor (Turkey) before migrating North of the Caucasus.

This is important at a time like this, as it brings into question what many people believed about Bible Prophecy.

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