Ditch SMS! How to convince your friends

6 months ago


Most of our conversations are digital, and our privacy hinges on our ability to convince others to use a private messaging platform. Getting friends and family to switch isn't easy though!

Here are some strategies you can try, ranging from educational methods, to downright sneakiness!

00:00 We have all decided to never answer our phone again
02:12 Its Easy
02:47 Privacy Leaks
04:29 Response Delay
05:45 Missed Connection
06:37 Daily Reward
08:35 App-Switching Fatigue
09:10 It’s Worth the Effort

Convincing people to switch to a more private messaging app can be tough, but it’s definitely not something you should give up on. Persistence and patience are key. By encouraging better habits you really are making a more private world, starting in your own backyard.

We got all our suggestions from Michael Bazzell's book, "Extreme Privacy":
Digital version: https://inteltechniques.com/book7.html (non affiliate link)

Brought to you by NBTV team members: Lee Rennie, Cube Boy, Reuben Yap, Sam Ettaro, Will Sandoval and Naomi Brockwell

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Our eBook "Beginner's Introduction To Privacy:

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