Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Kamala Has "No Policies, No Interviews, No Debate… Only Smoke And Mirrors"

1 month ago

Posted • August 25, 2024: DAY 35: Kamala STILL hasn't done a single formal interview nor press conference since she forced Biden off the ticket. Just the same teleprompter speech over and over again. -- Kamala Harris has been the Democrat candidate for 35 days, yet she has not sat down for an interview. Even though most of the corporate media journalists are more than friendly to Democrats, she refuses to engage in an interview. What does she have to hide? Maybe her teleprompter is in the shop. 😂 They'll blame anything but themselves. Maybe she can borrow one of Fetterman's screens. They can't let the country see who she really is so they hide her just like they did Biden. Kamala is trying to run the same basement campaign, but she does not have COVID to use as an excuse.

Biden cannot function. Kamala is a word salad bumbling idiot. This is the puppet masters last chance to stay in power and are instructing Kamala not to go out and speak and ruin their last efforts to remain in power. They should have chosen a better candidate, to be honest. She's probably just waiting for the right time to drop the mic and say, "I'm out." No such luck. No worries, the propaganda press will cover for her… They already are. Jon Karl did a heckuva job just this morning. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Kamala Harris: 35 Days as the Democrat Nominee, Still Playing Hide and Seek with Interviewers
Rumble: If You've Listened To One Kamala Speech Then You Have Listened To EVERY Kamala Speech!

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