Tavistock Institute and Boule Society (Foundation), who are they and what have they done?

1 month ago

First created as the Tavistock Clinic which studied Shell shock in WW1 soldiers. In 1947 it became the Tavistock Institute a Research and Consultancy Organization based in the United Kingdom. Tavistock is known for their work in Social Sciences particularly in fields such as Psychology, Sociology and organizational behavior. Many believe this organization uses psychology to control how society behaves.

In 1904 the first black Greek secret society was formed, the Sigma Pi Phi also known as the Boule Society. Fashioned after Yale's Skull and Bones Society. Once helped with leadership and resources in the black communities during the Great Depression, WWI & WWII and the civil rights movement. But what was the real objectives of the Boule Foundation?

Take a quick look at these 2 societies and you be the judge of what their true intentions really are.

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