Awakening in a World of Lies: My Journey Through the Orwellian Nightmare of 2020 - Part 2 “You are not alone!”(Ep. #0019)

22 days ago

This is the 2nd (second) installment in my “You are not Alone” series explaining my Covid story and “How I got here!”

If you missed the 1st episode in the series, please click this link here to catch up (click either):

Most of you will relate to all, if not at least some, of my experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic. This was a shared global human experience, but the variations in how we experienced it largely depended on two factors: Geography and our Stage of Awareness during the Great Awakening.

On March 16, 2020, the world was told to lock down for "15 days to slow the spread." Fast forward just two months to May 25, 2020, when George Floyd died in custody, sparking a series of events that shook me awake from a deep slumber I didn’t even realize I was in. The media lied at every opportunity, the Orwellian contradictions were glaring, and the masses seemed to buy into every false narrative. It was the true Orwellian events in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death that opened my eyes.

In the "before time," I believed the truth was somewhere in the middle, a balance between left and right narratives. But during the lockdowns, which were nothing short of fascism, I saw the government's totalitarian control over private businesses and the population. The fear, the social compliance, and the media’s manipulation were chilling. I watched as people were locked in their homes, while riots and protests continued in the streets without a single Covid death being attributed to the crowds and protests. The contradictions were too glaring to ignore.

Why could I see it and others couldn’t? Why me? If this period woke you up too, we need to explore why it happened to us and not to others.

Here’s a link to answer the question “Why me?”: (Link coming tomorrow 08/30/2024 9:17am)

Until next time, remember, everyone wakes up at their own pace, and it’s our job to help and educate as many others as possible.

God Bless America. God Bless this podcast. And God Bless you! Stay frosty, my friends!

“The Gift: The story is the plane crash. The Message is hope!”
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