Episode 16: The Five Elements and Epochs of The Kingdom Of God

17 days ago

An introduction to a Reformed view of the Kingdom of God in its 5 elements and its 5 covenantally-administered epochs, culminating in the Kingdom’s definitive consummation in the New Creation. The relation between Christian cultural activity and the Kingdom of God is also clarified.

00:00 Introduction
00:32 Episode description
01:03 Kingdom of God as the New Creation and central to Bible and all reality
03:25 Five “Royal” Elements
05:31 Covenant in Scripture as oath-commitment and as administering Kingdom of God
07:20 Five Covenantal Epochs
10:22 Contrary to postmil, premil, and the heresy* [see note below] of popular “Evangelical” Dispensationalism
12:15 1st Epoch: Probation – the Covenant of Works (“Eschatology Precedes Soteriology”)
17:10 2nd Epoch: Promised – the Protevangelium (Gen. 3.15) and Abrahamic Covenant
19:24 3rd Epoch: Prefigured – the Old Mosaic Covenant
24:03 4th Epoch: Present-Inauguration – the New Covenant
30:23 5th Epoch: Parousia-Consummation – full realization of the New Covenant

Differing forms of Dispensationalism (heretical or not) have been used by some to justify the worst of the United States government’s murderous, warmongering foreign policy. One of Dispensationalism’s erroneous beliefs (in all its forms) is that after the first advent of Christ, God’s promise to give the physical territory of Canaan to the physical descendants of Israel remains in effect.
A doctrinal “heresy” can be understood as a teaching that denies some point of orthodox creedal teaching. The heretical teaching we had in mind (and should have specified) is the belief that prior to Christ’s first advent, or during the era of the Law (or Old Covenant), salvation was not by grace through faith in Christ, the promised Savior. Not all forms of Dispensationalism teach this, however.
For further discussion of Dispensationalism, see this lecture on The New Covenant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynilaJANdoM


_The Majesty On High_ , by Steven M. Baugh : https://www.amazon.com/dp/1544985584/
- Books At A Glance summary: https://www.booksataglance.com/book-reviews/the-majesty-on-high-introduction-to-the-kingdom-of-god-in-the-new-testament-by-s-m-baugh/

Audio from Baugh on the Kingdom of God
- Reformed Forum, Christ The Center Podcast ep.635 w/Baugh on The Majesty On High: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUnRUG-eGHI
- WSCal Office Hours Podcast w/Baugh on The Majesty On High: https://www.wscal.edu/devotion/kingdom-of-god/
- Lecture by Baugh on Kingdom as Consummation: https://www.wscal.edu/devotion/thy-kingdom-come/
- Conference Presentation by Baugh on Kingdom in New Testament: https://www.wscal.edu/devotion/the-kingdom-in-the-new-testament/
- Devotional by Baugh on Kingdom in John’s writings: https://www.wscal.edu/devotion/a-survey-of-the-kingdom-of-god-in-johns-writings/

“The New Creation, the Kingdom of God, and the Church,” by Steven M. Baugh: https://opc.org/nh.html?article_id=1128

Spring 2024 Friday Night Academy on Covenant Theology in systematic, biblical, and practical perspectives by Pastor Charles Lee Irons of Santa Clarita URC: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwrDNUO5MDu9WPd6FaReLxZkaK7VO8plE

_Sacred Bond: Covenant Theology Explored_ (2nd ed), by Brown and Keele: https://reformedfellowship.net/products/sacred-bond-covenant-theology-explored-second-edition

_Reformed Covenant Theology: A Systematic Introduction_, by Harrison Perkins: https://www.heritagebooks.org/products/reformed-covenant-theology-a-systematic-introduction-perkins.html

Video explaining The Biblical-Theological “Grid” graphic of the Kingdom Of God in 5 Epochs, by Lee Irons: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hu7rbuOseZ8
[ **PDF of The Grid** : https://upper-register.com/papers/kline_grid.pdf ]

Video explaining Adam’s Probation and the Priority of Eschatology, by Lee Irons: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_NJwB_f1P4

“The Deeper (Reformed) Protestant Conception,” by Lane Tipton: https://reformedforum.org/what-is-the-deeper-protestant-conception/

The Reformed View of Christian Cultural Activity and Mistaken Views: https://reformedlibertarians.com/004

Reformed Biblical-Theological Foundations for Christian Cultural Activity, by Gregory Baus
: https://honest2blog.blogspot.com/2022/01/reformed-biblical-theological.html

About Theocracy in New Covenant Era: https://reformedlibertarians.com/015

The Conquest of Canaan, episode 14 of the Biblical Anarchy Podcast by Jacob Winograd w/Gregory Baus: https://reformedlibertarians.com/episode/conquest-of-canaan-conflict-anarchism/

Video explaining the relations between the Abrahamic, Old Mosaic, and New Covenants, by Lee Irons: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_ScAhK-s2s

5 videos explaining the typological works principle in the Old Mosaic Covenant, by Lee Irons: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwrDNUO5MDu-vEf9AeUSZt8UY53E7OYnF


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