Episode 15: Can Christian Civil Government Be "Theocratic"?

4 months ago

A discussion of whether a Reformed Christian view of civil governance is compatible with theocracy. We explain how the term "theocratic" has been used, and two key elements of a theocratic view (namely, the monopoly state and civil establishment of religion) that must be rejected in a genuinely Christian view of civil governance. We also touch on how some who support a theocratic view go wrong in their eschatology.


00:00 Start

00:32 Episode description

01:27 About the history of the term

02:22 All of life, and so all politics, is ultimately guided by central religious commitments

04:45 The objectionable sense of "theocratic" is not entailed by the universality of central religious commitments and their ultimate guidance of all of life

05:28 Two key elements of theocracy are "a monopoly state" and "civil establishment of religion";
Monopoly explained

07:41 Just and unjust uses of coercion;
The obligation of non-aggression;
The illegitimacy of all states

12:13 A simple analogy

15:12 Establishmentarianism explained

16:46 The unique, symbolic, and temporary (now obsolete) old Mosaic covenant theocracy involved suspension of the common grace order;
It was a temporary symbolic-intrusion of final judgment and the kingdom of God, now inaugurated in the new covenant institutional church, and yet to be consummated in the New Heavens and Earth

19:59 While the old covenant was in effect, it was not a violation of non-aggression
https://reformedlibertarians.com/002 ;
Now, in the new covenant era, the normal operation of the common grace order has resumed; This entails prohibition of establishmentarianism and monopoly, enacting either is antichrist

22:03 Genuinely limited governance, required by God's ultimate sovereignty, according to a consistent Christian view, entails non-monopoly and non-establishment

24:17 Recap

25:10 The under-realization of inaugurated eschatology in the new covenant by postmillennialism and so-called optimism that often accompanies a theocratic view

*Additional Resources*

More about the temporary suspension of the normal operation of common grace and the eschatological-intrusion within the old covenant theocracy :

More about sphere sovereignty :
Episode 09 - https://reformedlibertarians.com/009
Episode 12 - https://reformedlibertarians.com/012

More about the _underrealization_ of inaugurated eschatology in the new covenant as held by a postmil view ( Gaffin refers to postmil's _de-eschatologizing_ ) :

The Reformed Libertarians Podcast is a project of the Libertarian Christian Institute: https://libertarianchristians.com/ and a member of the Christians for Liberty Network: https://christiansforliberty.net

Audio Production by Podsworth Media - https://podsworth.com

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