Bot Farms and AI: Who Are You Really Talking To Online? (Ep. #0018)

5 months ago

Bot farms are not a dystopian fantasy; they are a reality operating out of places like China, Russia, Ukraine, and even here in America. These digital factories can potentially be set up anywhere with internet access, churning out bots designed to influence, deceive, or manipulate online discourse. With the rapid advancement of AI, the line between human and machine is blurring, making it increasingly difficult to distinguish whether you're interacting with a real person or a sophisticated algorithm.

In this episode, I delve into the unsettling world of bot farms and AI, offering practical advice on how to navigate this new digital landscape. One key takeaway: be cautious about engaging in online discussions with anyone you cannot verify. The odds are high that you may not be conversing with a human at all.

This is more than just a digital age concern—it's a wake-up call for all of us. As we navigate the Great Awakening, it's crucial to stay informed, vigilant, and connected to one another in meaningful, verifiable ways.

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