Trump Is A Savior To The Christ-Denying Jews (Some Clips, see description).

6 months ago

Posted on website (Aug 2024).

* Clip1: 0:06 "Wayne Root says Trump is greatest ruler Israel ever had and is like the second coming of God"
* Clip 2: 1:20 "A Rabbi calls Trump the Non-Jewish Messiah and calls for the Destruction of the USA"
* Clip 3: 7:30 "A Rabbi Praised Trump and Trump Praises Apostate Israel"
* Clip 4: 13:36 "Andrew Pollack Praises Trump as Greatest Friend of Jews and Israel"
* Clip 5: 17:28 "Trump’s Connections with Christ-Denying Jews"
* Clip 6: 27:01 "Trump says Jews control the USA"
* Clip 7: 30:23 "Trump Supports False Claims of Antisemitism and Labels Christians as Antisemites"
* Clip 8: 49:20 "Trump Condemns Holocaust Deniers and Flip-Flops on 911"

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