UK Police - Two-Tier Policing Clearly Evident

27 days ago

The facts are simple the zionist UK Government are being exposed for covering up their crimes over many decades involving child/human trafficking, pedophilia, satanic ritual abuse, money laundering, crimes against humanity, genocide, slavery, and much more. NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING. The UK Government were owned by the Rothschilds and THE CITY OF LONDON CORPORATION, that included the Khazarian Jewish Banking System. The Vatican are heavily involved in world slavery by the Birth Certificate/"Legal Fiction" and our Cestui Que Vie Trusts that are traded on the rigged stock exchange. Perpetual wars, perpetual diseases and the deliberate import of violent muslims add to the increasing fear-based rule, supported by the mockingbird media that is also run by the Khazarian Jewish Mafia. The Vatican's role is to spread their Law of Commerce (Admiralty Law) and to destroy all things God, Jesus, and Christian. The Khazarian-Ashkenazi are masters of identity theft and they've been exposed., radical Islam was done by the cabal, the CIA, Mossad, MI6, and it was the mass uncontrolled immigration that was the UK Governments last chance of survival as their deliberate forced attempt of installing communism on the back of a Fake Pandemic, and the crimes against humanity and genocide that the Corporate Police aided and abetted. Genocide, followed by famine, the destruction of private businesses, the ideological subversion that for decades has been unfolding. Today, the corrupt UK Government, and all world Governments in cahoots with the Nazis in the World Economic Forum are desperate and radical muslims are their defence mechanism, assisted by conveniently placed "laws" such as "hate crime" laws (Corporate Acts and Statutes of Legislation) forced without consent on we the people. The City of London Corporation has already dissolved, and the matrix is crumbling at a rapid rate, the Politicians and all other service corporations are pirateering for a dissolved corporation. Normal moderate muslims are being played like pawns, but the radicals are connected with satanism, and the Khazarians. The average Police Officer today is well out of their depth, just stooges that think more about their pensions than abiding by their sworn oath as "Constables", many still have no idea that their Police districts are private corporations listed on Dun & Bradstreet. The military alliance are watching, observing.

Nothing can stop what is coming, it's out of our hands, we too are just observers. Those who sided with Lucifer, who harmed children, who pissed on the people, those ungodly, soulless deep-state entities and their Freemasonic foot soldiers, their Talmudic Courts will soon feel the wrath of God.

These words are not a threat, just an observation based on many years of research. Too many people are waking up, those demonic scumbags who for years have brought misery on the people they swore an oath to protect will soon be given their day of judgement.

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