AUGUST 25, 2024 - Don't Stick With Tradition - Stick With The Word!

6 months ago

We are seeing, today, more Churches teaching the Church has replaced Israel
God does not have a future plan for Israel, this has become their TRADITION!
This has resulted in massive antisemitism, which is spreading rapidly

Why is Replacement Theology wrong?

The Abrahamic Covenant, a promise from God, includes a land, seed, and blessing promise

(Graphic of) Jewish land promise will be fulfilled in the Millennial Reign of Messiah

Seed promise , from Abraham’s seed would come the Jewish nation

Blessing promise from Abraham’s seed would come Messiah, the Savior of the world

How does the Church benefit from the New Covenant?

By being grafted into Israel
Romans 11: 17
Ephesians 2: 1213

“The Gentiles should be fellow heirs of the same body, and partakers (not take over) of His promise in Christ through the gospel.” Ephesians 3: 6

The Church does not take over or replace Israel, but are partakers with Israel in the covenants

The New Covenant was instituted by Messiah’s blood sacrifice Matthew 26: 27-28

Every communion service we remember remember what Jesus has done for us

He redeemed us, we remember what Jesus has the price He paid for us, He died in my place!

I remember His broken body, His shed blood

I also remember I am betrothed to Jesus, wed to Him, awaiting the final phase of the marriage ceremony, the marriage supper

What this means to me:
- I am to be faithful
- I will entertain no suitors, no rivals
- I will stay fully devoted to my Bridegroom until He comes for me

The marriage is for the Bride Church (Church) exclusively!

Church, realize, you are forever special to Jesus!



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