What cult? Who runs human trafficking?

5 months ago

What cult? Who runs human trafficking?

Bloodlines of Monsters

**I certainly don't claim all of this guy's testimony is true, I am just saying some if it certainly rings true, and all of it is interesting.

Ai Transcript summary:

Family Background: Nathan Reynolds describes his family as believing they are descendants of "old gods," granting them a supposed divine right to rule. His family is involved in secretive and powerful networks, often compared to the Illuminati, although he does not use that term himself.
Childhood and Trauma: Reynolds recounts a traumatic childhood filled with systemic abuse and manipulation, intended to break his will and mold him into a tool for his family's purposes. He describes being part of a male cult and experiencing severe psychological and physical abuse.
Military and Espionage Involvement: As a young adult, Reynolds was involved in military and espionage activities, including counter-espionage and infiltration missions. He mentions being part of secret projects like the "Jason Project," which involved high-level intelligence and scientific work.
Supernatural and Occult Experiences: Reynolds claims to have witnessed supernatural phenomena, including people transforming into beasts and engaging in rituals with entities he refers to as "Watchers." He discusses the existence of beings capable of shapeshifting and traversing realms.
Personal Redemption and Family Life: Despite his past, Reynolds speaks about finding redemption through faith and striving to lead a normal family life. He emphasizes his commitment to breaking away from his family's dark legacy and raising his children in a healthy environment.
Public Disclosure and Risks: Reynolds is open about his past, despite potential risks from both legal authorities and the secretive networks he was once part of. He believes in the importance of truth and transparency to achieve personal freedom and redemption.

Serpent and Bloodline: Reynolds describes his family as believing they are descendants of "old gods" and carriers of a "seed line" that grants them a divine right to rule. This belief is rooted in the idea that their lineage traces back to celestial beings who descended to earth and procreated with humans, as mentioned in biblical and mythological texts. The serpent is often associated with these celestial beings, symbolizing wisdom and power, but also deception and manipulation.
Watchers and Transformation: The Watchers are described as a class of celestial beings capable of shapeshifting and augmenting themselves, a power they can bestow upon humans through rituals. Reynolds claims to have witnessed men literally transforming into beasts, a process linked to the influence of the Watchers. These beings are said to have the ability to deceive by taking on various forms, and their influence is sought through necromantic rituals.
Cultural and Historical Context: Reynolds references practices among First Nation people and other cultures that involve communing with these celestial entities, often referred to as Skinwalkers or Shadow Walkers. These practices include rituals that allow individuals to traverse realms or transform into animal forms, drawing on the power of the Watchers.

Ancestral Belief in Divine Lineage: Reynolds' family believes they are descendants of "old gods," which they interpret as a divine right to rule over others. This belief is tied to the idea that their bloodline traces back to celestial beings who descended to Earth and interbred with humans, as described in biblical and mythological texts. This lineage is perceived to endow them with superior genetics and the ability to commune with the divine.
Covenant with the Serpent: The family is said to have entered into a covenant with a serpent-like deity, often associated with Satan or Lucifer. This covenant involves rituals and practices intended to maintain power and control, drawing on ancient knowledge and supernatural abilities.
Generational Practices: The covenant is maintained through generations by training children in occult practices and rituals. This involves a process of breaking down and reshaping their identities to serve the family's interests, often through traumatic experiences.
Objective of the Covenant: The overarching goal of this covenant is to secure and expand the family's influence and power, both spiritually and materially. This is achieved by leveraging their supposed divine connection and the supernatural abilities they believe they possess.

Childhood: Nathan was born into a family that believed they were descendants of "old gods," granting them a supposed divine right to rule.
His early life was marked by systemic abuse and manipulation, intended to break his will and mold him into a tool for his family's purposes.
He was involved in a male cult known as the Brotherhood of the Snake, where he was exposed to ritualistic practices and supernatural phenomena.

Adolescence: Nathan was trained in military and espionage activities from a young age, including counter-espionage and infiltration missions.
He was involved in secret projects like the "Jason Project," which involved high-level intelligence and scientific work.
His family moved frequently to maintain secrecy and control, preventing him from forming stable relationships outside the cult.

Young Adulthood: Nathan continued his involvement in military projects and was subjected to various augmentations and experiments.
He experienced significant trauma and health issues due to his past and the experiments he underwent.
Despite his upbringing, Nathan sought redemption and began to distance himself from his family's dark legacy.

Adulthood: Nathan met his wife and started a family, striving to create a normal life for his children away from his family's influence.
He became involved in permaculture and regenerative farming, seeking a peaceful and sustainable lifestyle.
Nathan publicly disclosed his past experiences and family history, despite potential risks, to achieve personal freedom and redemption.

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