I got my Assignment!!!

6 months ago

#hope #hopeinjesus #nofear #recovery #holiness #moments #bepresentnow #fruitofthespirit #loveofgod #loveyourneighbor #loveyourself

Just a girl who has been through the ringer and come out cleaner. This video introduces the new assignment God has given to me. I will make videos in three different series.

1. Hope - When our HEARTS are OPEN, we can experience PEACE that is EXTRAORDINARY! In a world where fear is the standard, I want to show you that HOPE is God's Standard.

2. My Recovery/Holiness Journey
How I got to recovery
The last two years of recovery
Record year 3 in this journey as it unfolds.
I would be so blessed and honored if you would share this video, FOLLOW my channel and turn on notifications so that you won't miss a video. My goal is to testify to HIS LOVE and HIS Power and HIS glory.

Please comment if you have any prayer needs, what me to dig deeper into any topic, or just share your story.

Revelation 12:10-11 New International Version

Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say:

“Now have come the salvation and the power
and the kingdom of our God,
and the authority of his Messiah.
For the accuser of our brothers and sisters,
who accuses them before our God day and night,
has been hurled down.
11 They triumphed over him
by the blood of the Lamb
and by the word of their testimony;
they did not love their lives so much
as to shrink from death.

Contact Me: letsovercome2021 @gmail.com

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