Manifestation stronger than Christianity?

5 months ago

I'm keeping today's video very short partly because it's Sunday and I can't get rid of the habit of honoring God on this day of the week but it's because I have one simple message: manifestation is stronger than Christianity. Yes. When Mr Dumpling blocked me back then we didn't know each other so well I was in such a rut but everywhere the standard dating advice was to move on and give up on him. I refused, and learned that there is a thing called manifestation. Now if you've been a Christian for any length of time you know about God answering prayers with one of the following, namely yes, no, and wait, but I wouldn't take no for an answer, and then, maybe I suspected the manifestation websites were trying to sell their services or something, but they all unanimously say that there is nothing beyond the reach of the law of assumption, even returning the dead as if they've never died. But they could make such a strong claim while Christian websites would rather I take God's no as final and cry for the rest of my life, what do you think I choose in the end? Lots of self-concept affirmations, and then avenues opened up for me and Mr Dumpling to reconcile. Turns out we misunderstood each other. And so I got Mr Dumpling to unblock me and I get my happy ending. Ta for now. Sort of have to grin and bear with it in church and say praise God and thank God and that sort of thing, so I'll bash him later. He's big enough to take it.
Photo by Designecologist:

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