No Digital Prison - by Kelly Newton-Wordsworth

6 months ago

No Digital Prison by Kelly Newton-Wordsworth is a song she wrote in preparation to sing at the Melbourne rally at parliament house, to stop the 'Digital ID Bill' from going through the Federal Parliament of Australia. This bill was rushed through the upper and lower houses of parliament at "supernatural speed" with NO debate allowed.

This has left Australian men and women around the nation with no say as to whether 'WE THE PEOPLE' want to have every part of our lives run by the government, together with all of our data being collected and sold to buyers of information all over the world. This so called Australian "government" is looking to role out Digital ID around Australia towards the end of 2024.

Our so called "politicians" have stated that it will not be "COMPULSORY" to have a digital passport, but as millions of people who listened to the "safe and effective" narrative from governments all over the world, this is a tough call to expect our people to believe anything our "government" says anymore.

The digital ID is a platform to which future governments can easily add a Chinese style social credit system, digital currencies, travel and vaccine passports. These measures are already being encouraged by members of the World Economic Forum, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and so on.

Please send this video out far and wide to help stop the Digital ID agenda from making all people slaves in a digital prison in OUR world. The future is in our hands. Take action NOW!

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