"I need people turn up at midday Friday the 30th at the High Court in Wellington!" Brett Power

4 months ago

[CAUTION: Strong Language]

"Be down there [The High Court, Wellington this coming midday Friday, 30th August 2024]. I will be there and again? I may be arrested. Who cares? You know? Like, this time, instead of like having two guys with me, how about get a few thousand come in there? I'm only going into the registry to lodge this. But we need to make a point... here, and yeah we will. Okay? So... something to think about. Have a great night, everybody. But be aware... we're living in extremely changing times. We need to be aware of what's going on, and we need to not just look at the problems, we need to see what the solutions are, and then DO the solution! Focus on the solution! Next Friday! Okay? High Court Wellington see you... Have a great night." Brett Power

Brett has prepared two charge sheets to present at the High Court in Wellington. The charge Christopher Luxon, the Prime Minister, for two crimes:

1. Under The Crimes Act Section 240 "obtaining by deception of causing loss by deception. Everyone is guilty of attaining by deception, causing loss by deception who, by any deception without claim of right, obtains ownership position or control over any property privileged service pecuniary advantage... that means money benefit valuable considerations blah blah... induces or causes any other person to deliver, over execute, make, accept, endorse, destroy, or alter any other document to derive, causes loss to any other person."

2. Treason for planning to unlawfully inject on the population of New Zealand, a harmful and, in some cases, deadly bio-weapon under instruction of the World Health Organisation —an unelected international body and not authorised or recognised by NZ Law—.

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