Rob Skiba 2017 lecture: stars are not what we are told they are

6 months ago

Rob Skiba 2017 lecture: stars are not what we are told they are. Very fascinating and timely information I came across that I needed to share with you.

Rob Skiba wrote the book, "Babylon Rising: And The First Shall Be Last."

Rob Skiba is known for SEED: Paradise Lost (2021), Sleeper Agent (2020) and Archon Invasion: And the Return of the Nephilim (Part 2) (2012).

Rob Skiba June 26, 1969 – October 13, 2021

I think the Luciferian globalist psychopaths took him out because he was opening up the minds of many people.

I customized this background and description and added the captions that I proofread for you.

According to

Rob Skiba is an award winning documentary filmmaker, researcher and the author of several Amazon Best Selling books including: Babylon Rising: And The First Shall Be Last and Archon Invasion: The Rise, Fall and Return of the Nephilim. As an "ancient Nephilim theorist" and "Biblical Cosmologist," Rob brings a unique and often unheard perspective to the UFO/alien discussion and an increased understanding of ancient myths and the Biblical truths upon which they are usually based. This has led to him becoming an internationally recognized public speaker on these and other subjects, regularly appearing on paranormal and prophecy talk shows and as a featured, keynote speaker at conferences all around the world.

As a graduate of the Hollywood Film Institute, his life‐long dream has been to produce powerful television and motion picture productions. He is currently working full‐time on the development and production of a new sci-fiction/fantasy show called, SEED the series, which will be based on nearly two decades worth of research into a wide variety of historical and mythological topics.

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