What Skills Does Arbitrage Teach You About Selling Private Label on Amazon

6 months ago

"What skills did you learn from doing arbitrage?" Steven Pope asked Bernardo Caram, one of My Amazon Guy's brand managers, about his experience. In this video, Bernardo shares how arbitrage taught him important skills like dealing with IP complaints, solving account issues, and handling logistics.

Watch till the end to learn just how valuable retail arbitrage can be and how it can help keep your Amazon business running smoothly.

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00:00 - Skills Gained from Arbitrage
00:30 - Dealing with Troubleshooting and IP Complaints in Arbitrage
01:20 - Recovering Amazon Accounts: Lessons Learned
01:55 - Importance of Logistics in Arbitrage Success
02:25 - Limitations of Arbitrage: No Ads, Brand Registry, or Listing Optimization
03:00 - Summary

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