Is This Woman’s Complaint About a Comment Justified?

6 months ago

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On this episode of THE CLASSIC METAL SHOW, Neeley and Chris discuss the recent cancellation of Helmet's tour due to low ticket sales. They explore whether the band’s decision to share their political views played a role in alienating half their fanbase. The conversation then shifts to Kamala Harris, who made headlines by contradicting herself on the topic of wishing people Merry Christmas. Finally, they analyze a clip shared by Nick DiPaulo on X, where a woman complains about a man’s sexually suggestive comment. The hosts get fired up over her sense of entitlement and praise the man for retracting his apology.

#ClassicMetalShow #HelmetBand #KamalaHarris #NickDiPaulo #Entitlement

**NOTE: Everything said here, and on every episode of all of our shows are 100% the opinions of the hosts. Nothing is stated as fact. Do your own research to see if their opinions are true or not.**

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