4 months ago

Your breath could stink, other thing that stinks about it is decades of FDA and AMA suppression. The smell is a sign of detoxification, when your health improves, it goes away despite continued use.

DMSO is a reliable detoxifier of heavy metals. It binds to aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, mercury, and nickel and eliminates them through sweat and urine

After skin application, it penetrates throughout the body, including the brain...
It is a true NSAID or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, no significant side effects. Ordinary NSAIDS such as Motrin occasionally cause fatal intestinal bleeding, other issues. Vioxx, caused 88,000 heart attacks and 38,000 deaths before it was taken off the market.

Aids healing burns, bruises, cuts, can use water with it. Clean the cut, butterfly patterned closure, area saturate in DMSO, repeatedly apply the, cut can heal without high inflammation and scarring.

Mildred Miller, promoted DMSO for a variety of disorders, convicted of Medicare fraud.
DMSO as an alternative treatment for cancer is of particular concern, shown to interfere with a variety of chemotherapy drugs: cisplatin, carboplatin, oxaliplatin, insufficient evidence to support the hypothesis DMSO has any effect, most sources agree that its history of side effects, when tested, warrants caution when using it as a dietary supplement, for which it is marketed heavily with the usual disclaimer.

Book called "Healing with DMSO" by Amandha Vollmer, recipes for eye drops, ear drops, scalp spray (amongst many more)
DMSO is not caustic or volatile. It can be used topically, orally, intravenously, or intramuscularly. One to two tablespoons a day—15 to 30 grams—is a safe, conservative dose, but it has been proven nontoxic in massive doses. The “Father of DMSO,” Stanley Jacobs

DMSO Dimethylsulfoxide for Humans: Recipes & Treatment (2022) by Herb (Roi) Richards. Super clear writing, based on huge experience, and easy to understand.

Here is a link to the links! SUBSCRIBE TO RETIRED DOCTOR YOHO

Inflammatory diseases Joint pain relief Cancer side-effects (pain)
Gastrointestinal disorders Headaches and Migraines
Fibromyalgia Psoriasis Shingles Candida Eczema
Tendonitis Interstitial Cystitis Autoimmune Disorders Amyloidosis
Scleroderma Ulcerative Colitis Diabetic Neuropathy pain Varicose and Spider veins Burns and scar tissue Musculoskeletal disorders
Furuncular otitis Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Hemorrhoids Muscle spasms Bursitis
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
General stiffness and soreness improve range of motion

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