Jurisdiction - Public vs Private - What are my rights? www.thelivingcouncil.info - SHORT BASIC VIDEO

5 months ago

Jurisdiction - Public vs Private 00:1:14sec
PART 1 - Are you in the public? do you get bogged down by public rules, acts codes? learn how to move into the private...

What are my rights? 00:5:22sec
PART 2 - Inalienable rights are rights that Baby is born with. No Law, no Tax and no Legislation is allowed to take away those rights from you.

You have those rights!

The right to earn money,
the right to travel freely,
the right to speak or not speak,
the right to be happy, the right to freedom,
the right to a clean environment. And many more rights…

Do you ever stop and wonder why your rights are not keeping their form as they once did…

thats because rights are only rights… if you EXPRESS them.

Find out more about how to express your rights go to


More info here: - https://zfrmz.com.au/0gCJ3hczPztXvS8ImV7r

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