Keep America Free by America Ascending | Unity Party to Defeat the Left

5 months ago

This video goes out to the loyal Robert Kennedy supporters considering making the switch to Trump.

Dear RFK Jr. Supporters:

As a “MAGA Republican”, I would like to say THANK YOU.

Whether you vote for Trump or RFK in November (depending on your state), your support for Bobby has brought incredibly important issues into the spotlight. And the way the DNC attacked Kennedy has awakened many moderate Democrats to the evil of that party.

I’d like to share a little about myself, so you can understand that there are many flavors of “MAGA”.

I am a millennial who was raised in a conservative household. I watched 2000 and “pregnant chads” from the sidelines with amusement, but didn’t want to see Gore win.

I voted for Ross Perot in 1992 in an elementary school election because my parents were disappointed in HW letting down the base.

In my first election, I excitedly voted for W. because Kerry was a joke and I swallowed all of the pro-war propaganda about the Middle East.

In 2008, I held my nose and voted for McCain because, while I still foolishly thought Obama sounded sincere in his message of hope, something didn’t sit right. Boy was I right about that.

I then became a Tea Party Republican. I supported Santorum in 2012, then held my nose again and voted Romney against the socialist/corporatist Obama.

That loss was devastating.

In 2016, like many of you, I bought the smears about Trump. I voted for Ted Cruz (I’m a Texan, after all) in the primary even though it was all but over by the time my vote came.

But once again, in November, I voted Trump because Hillary was too much to bear. On election night, all I could do was laugh.

Then Trump governed. And the media lost its mind. And the government moved in unison to stop him. And week after week, month after month, it became clear that everything they accused him of was a lie. And life got better in spite of their attacks. It was incredible.

Then COVID. And Floyd. Rittenhouse. Hunter.

November 3rd.

I proudly voted Trump, for the first time truly convinced I was making the RIGHT choice. And he won. Until he lost at 3 AM. And days later.

Then came January 6th, and the impeachment, and 4 years of hell enacted by an illegal, criminal government.

Then came the debate, the assassination attempt, and the coup. Yet somehow, the race remained tight.

Then there was today. To say today was cathartic is an understatement. Today brought the first real hope I’ve truly felt in years.

We have a lot of work to do. Many of you are still skeptical. I get it. But here’s what you need to know.

Donald J. Trump is a *good man*. Sure he makes dickish tweets. Yes, he listens to the wrong people sometimes (basically anyone that sucks up to him). Yes, he has some policy positions that need work. Yes, Operation Warp Speed was by far his biggest mistake, and his pride won’t let him admit it.

BUT HE LOVES THIS COUNTRY. Just like Bobby does. And together, they can do unbelievable things. World-changing things. Country restoring things.

But here’s the thing - I’m clearly no cheerleader for the GOP… but Trump and RFK will need help. They need the House. They need the Senate. They need us to vote Republican down ballot so we can keep the Democrats at bay. So Trump can appoint everyone he needs to appoint to FIX this thing.

So I know it’s hard. Many of you are lifelong Democrats. This will break your heart… but you must vote Republican.

We can return to politics as normal in 2028. But today, at this moment in history, we must hold our collective noses and put the GOP back in power, one last time. If they let us all down again, then I’m on your team: third party all the way.

But in 2024, please, vote Red.

God bless America 🇺🇸

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