Daniella Weiss, Zionist paramilitary militant, Arabs will not stay in the Gaza Strip

1 month ago

She makes it clear their plans for land grabbing does not end with Gaza. She said the promise is from Euphrates river which is Jordan, half of Iraq and half of Syria, taking huge chunk of Saudi Arabia, and Turkey to the Nile River from Egypt down several nations in Africa.

So what the hell is the world going to say when Israel instigates another planned attack on their people so they have an excuse to pursue more land grabs THAT THEY HAVE NO PROBLEM BRAGGING ABOUT IT.

It's not a "theory" when they tell you directly what their goals of conquest are!

I put this video together for you, customized the background, took the screenshots for good measure.

She was born in Palestine 3 years before Israel was handed over land by the Luciferian UN in 1948. Her mother moved to Palestine with her parents when she was 1 years old. So I'm guessing around 1920.

So her radical Zionist grandparents referred to as "Zionist paramilitary militants" were welcomed there to the nation of Palestine by the local Palestinian Muslims, Palestinian Jews, Palestinian Christians who lived peaceably together before 1948... that they ended up massacring after 1948 and continue terrorizing to this day. Literally pulling Palestinian families from their homes. There are videos that prove this, but Israel censors these videos.

Zionism is a political movement not Judaism and it is antisemitic to say that it is. Zionism was started in 1897 by an Atheist Communist Jewish man in Switzerland, you know the same place Klaus Schwab also an Atheist Communist Jewish man, started WEF of "You will own nothing and be happy."

The Times of Israel, 3/25/24

This is Daniella Weiss as quoted by the BBC. “Gaza Arabs will not stay in the Gaza Strip,” she says. “Who will stay? Jews.” She continues: “The world is wide,” she says. “Africa is big. Canada is big. The world will absorb the people of Gaza. How we do it? We encourage it. Palestinians in Gaza, the good ones, will be enabled. I’m not saying forced, I say enabled because they want to go.”

She won’t say she wants forced expulsions. It sounds too much like the Nazis forcing Slavs out as well as killing them. But Israel will destroy 85% of the homes and restrict food access (and they do despite the continual mendacity of Israeli government spokesmen on this issue). Of course, many more Palestinians will die from bombs, starvation, avoidable medical conditions, famine, and disease. Daniella Weiss, along with many, many Israelis does not give a damn about Gazans. They are refuse, expendable, dehumanized animal entities.

She has the chutzpah to talk about what Arabs want, as if she knows “”You can call it ethnic cleansing. I repeat again, the Arabs do not want, normal Arabs do not want to live in Gaza.”.

Let’s talk about Jewish normality. This woman is a disgrace to the Jewish people in her advocacy of treating other human beings like herd animals to be moved just to make room for Jews.

It is a disgrace that this woman has had such an important influence on the State of Israel. People like her morally lessen Israel.


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