The Risk of Rejecting Truth: The Science of Salvation, Part 2

6 months ago

Welcome back to part two of Tom's teaching on the Science of Salvation. In this series, we're diving deep into the critical concepts that we must understand if we hope to be part of Yah's eternal kingdom. The journey of salvation is not just about knowing the truth but about embracing it fully, even when it challenges our deepest-held beliefs.

In today's lesson, we focus on a crucial aspect of our spiritual walk—the risk of rejecting truth. The Bible is our guidebook, filled with Yah's divine instructions and revelations. However, it often presents us with truths that may contradict what we've been taught or what we've believed for years. When we encounter these truths, we face a pivotal choice: will we accept them, or will we cling to the comfort of our familiar but flawed understandings?

Rejecting truth isn't just about ignorance; it's a deliberate decision that carries significant spiritual risks. By holding onto cherished errors—those beliefs or practices we've come to love or rely on—we open ourselves to the realm of satan's delusion. This isn't just about being misinformed; it's about being spiritually vulnerable, allowing the enemy to exploit our refusal to align with Yah's truth.

In this teaching, Tom will explore how rejecting even a single truth can have far-reaching consequences on our spiritual journey. We'll discuss the subtle ways in which error can creep into our lives, often disguised as tradition, culture, or personal preference. And we'll see how Yah's Word calls us to a higher standard—a life where truth reigns supreme, and error has no place.

Key Points:

The Nature of Truth: Truth is absolute, not subjective. It's not shaped by our feelings or experiences but by the unchanging Word of Yah. Understanding this is fundamental to our salvation.

The Danger of Compromise: When we try to blend truth with error, we dilute the power of Yah's Word in our lives. Compromise weakens our faith and opens the door to deception.

The Cost of Rejecting Truth: Rejecting even a small portion of truth can lead us away from Yah's kingdom. We'll examine biblical examples of individuals and nations that suffered because they refused to embrace the full truth.

The Call to Repentance: Yah is merciful and patient, giving us time to correct our errors. But that window of opportunity won't last forever. Today is the day to examine our beliefs, repent of any errors, and fully embrace the truth.

As we continue our journey through the Science of Salvation, remember that our goal is not just to learn but to transform. Yah is calling each of us to a higher level of commitment, one where truth is not just accepted but cherished. Let's be vigilant, examining our hearts and minds, and be willing to let go of anything that doesn't align with Yah's Word. In doing so, we secure our place in His eternal kingdom.

Stay tuned as Tom unpacks these vital lessons, guiding us toward a deeper understanding of salvation and a more intimate relationship with Yah. If you haven't seen part one, be sure to check it out, and as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more teachings.


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