A Spiritual Perspective of Identity Politics in the Black Culture**Interview Homeless Vet Who Exposes Identity Politics

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Is it possible to be a born-again-believer in Jesus Christ and align yourself with policies that are an abomination to God? You may just be on your way to hell. Listen Up!!!

Two movies mentioned in broadcast that will show you the mindset of light-skinned vs dark-skinned Blacks and its effect on the culture for many people until this day.

The Imitation of Life 1959 Movie Trailer about a "light-skinned" woman who disowns her mother so that she could pursue her life while passing for "White".https://youtu.be/-_ax1pt8zp0?feature=shared

Pinky 1949 Movie about a "light-skinned" woman in the 40's who is passing for "White". https://youtu.be/P6X-uCP_1c0?feature=shared

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