Militarized Healthcare

1 month ago

The D.O.D. (Department of Defense) along with multiple agencies, corporations, and pharmaceutical organizations were all responsible for the toxic bioweapon injections rolled out on humanity... which each nation agreed as of the W.H.O. (World Health Organization) and their lock step agreements with the W.H.O. to distribute the shots within their nation. No doubt certain government officials were paid off to do so... which was the reason so many people died and were injured worldwide in the last 3 years.

All these bioweapons aka Covid 19 vaccines and all its variants and boosters should be immediately pulled off the shelves and destroyed completely.

This was in fact is a Depopulation Genocide on humanity. And all those who knowingly took part in this deadly and hidden agenda need to be arrested and taken before and international court for their crimes against humanity. Nuremberg 2.0.!

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