Hiking East Leonard Canyon, Mogollon Rim

6 months ago

From Knoll Lake, I hiked north down East Leonard Canyon to confluence with West Leonard Canyon ( https://prestonm.com/west-leonard-canyon-mogollon-rim/ ). I then climbed out, and walked forest roads back along Knoll Ridge to the lake.

I found at least 25 species of flowers, including Apache lobelia, hairy golden aster, coneflower, Scouler's St. Johnswort, and Nuttal's linanthus!

Blog: http://prestonm.com/east-leonard-canyon-mogollon-rim/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PrestonMcMurry
"Cello Classical instrumental | Sky", Alex-Productions

Twitter, @PrestonMcMurry, Blog, PrestonM.com, Hiking, Arizona, Coconino County, Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest, Coconino National Forest, Mogollon Rim, East Leonard Canyon, Leonard Canyon, Knoll Lake, Knoll Ridge, Flower Porn, Apache lobelia, hairy golden aster, coneflower, Scouler's St. Johnswort, Nuttal's linanthus

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