Man Steals a Passenger Plane and Crashes it Just After Takeoff (With Real Video)

6 months ago

He went to school in Alaska, played football in high school and was one of the best players. He attempted college in Portland but dropped out and helped his wife open and run a bakery. If he had developed CTE from playing football as I suspect, then he knew he didn't have long to go before he was incapacitated by it. He had posted a video to Facebook that showed him loading and unloading baggage for Horizon Air and his demeanor was outwardly cheerful but his words were cynical and depressed. He gradually would have come to realize that he was a broken guy with a few screws loose but kept it a secret, as those who suffer CTE usually do. I don't know if he ever had aspirations of becoming a pilot but he wanted to do SOMETHING significant while he was still cognizant of his actions and of the world around him and to end his life with dignity, before CTE destroyed his mental faculties to the point where he wouldn't know what dignity was. I cannot begin to imagine how frustrating it must feel to be 29 and have the inescapable awareness of the inexorable deterioration of your mental abilities and the growing fear that you have CTE, while hiding it from everyone. The private disappointed acceptance that you'll never get to have kids and see them grow with your guidance, all the things you dreamed of teaching them, to see them graduate from high school. You won't get to grow old with your wife or bounce a grandchild on your knee, not even see age 50, but you are surely going to end up an increasingly mechanistic and non-functional burden to your loved ones who you won't even recognize in your last days. And being unable to share that grief and suffering with anyone. It's no wonder most people who acquire CTE attempt suicide. If only CTE had not been hidden and denied for so many years by cowardly sports authorities… he was of the right age and would have benefitted from earlier recognition of the deadly dangers of repeated concussions. So tragic and unfair.

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