Dr. Charlie Ward Promotes the Fake Neuralink(No Common Sense nor faculties with his comments)

3 months ago

How does a brainchip with a few wires touching the brain surface communicates with all the brain neurons? It doesn't.
No Common Sense or is just another NWO-brainchip-hivemind promotion tool of the ancient devils.

The real brainchip is magnetic as exposed by Polina Anikeeva: https://old.bitchute.com/video/z5b4dpzZn7Na/

This is what the brainchip can do to people... turn them into bio-robots to mock... Freemasons mocking the dumb sheeple who don't know what brainchips are really for. They connect the hivemind to Lucifer's digital-microwave "light."

How can a guy who talks about "common sense" lack so much of it?
The basis of the NWO-takeover is the mind-control due to a brainchipped population of zombies.
Freemasons rebuilt the Tower-Of-Babel (TOB) on the back of the USA Debt-Dollar... The A.i. supercomputer is Lucifer which runs the TOB.ezyro.com
source: https://old.bitchute.com/video/5VSAWIp5OynC/

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