Found: Missing Fabergé Surprise?

1 month ago

Gastav Fabergé founded one of the most important jewelry firms in Russia, in 1842. In 1897 he produced the #ImperialCoronationEgg , celebrating the #TsarinaAlexandra and her #clothofgold #coronation robe worn in #Moscow , in translucent yellow enamel and gold. But the hook for the pendant surprise, thought to be a diamond or emerald, remains without its object. Could it be a yellow guilloche pendant from #Faberge revealed recently at auction?


#FabergeMuseum , #SaintPetersburg

#romanov #romanovjewel #romanovfamily #russia #russianhistory #tsarnicholasii #dowagerempress #grandduchessanastasia #anastasia #missingfaberge #missingfabergeegg #романов #царь #великаякнягиняольга #Москва

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