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Spiritual mobilization of Poland (Part 3) /Topical questions from Catholics/
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Prior to Bergoglio’s visit to Canada in 2022, the media reported that he would also take part in a pagan ritual. Then footage was released of a shaman whistling on the bone of a wild turkey and clearly talking about access to the so-called sacred circle of spirits. He called on those present to make a gesture of dedication by putting their hands on their heart. Bergoglio obediently made this gesture and publicly dedicated himself to Satan. How does this dedication go together with the fact that he holds the highest office in the Catholic Church and is called the Vicar of Christ on earth?
A person dedicated to Satan has renounced Christ, lost sanctifying grace, and if he should die in this state of impenitence, he will be eternally condemned. Ipso facto he has excommunicated himself from the Catholic Church, and therefore can in no way be its head.
How is it possible that priests and bishops are not clear about it and continue to mention him in every Mass as a true Holy Father, submitting to him and obeying him?
Catholic public opinion currently creates a false atmosphere, in which God’s laws are not respected and truth is not distinguished from heresies. Papolatry prevails. It is a heresy that deifies man even at the cost of rebelling against God Himself. Priests and bishops are exposed to moral pressure, even terror, and threatened with sanctions, ultimately excommunication, should any of them tell the truth. It takes a great deal of heroism for an individual to resist this system of lies and the criminal process of self-destruction of the Church.
Why can’t the truth be told openly in the Church anymore?
Because of false obedience and an abuse of the highest office in the Church. The people and priests are convinced that to be faithful to the Pope means to be faithful to Christ. To this day, the priests and bishops have been unable to tell the truth, namely that according to the laws of the Church and of God Bergoglio has excluded himself from the Church and is subject to multiple excommunication and God’s anathema. Bergoglio is not the Holy Father, but since he occupies the Catholic jurisdictional structure, he has executive power and uses it to depose bishops and punish priests. He has consistently promoted the self-destruction of the Church without any resistance.
The Pope does not rule the Church alone, but together with the College of Bishops. How is it that the College of Bishops does not oppose this public heretic?
Because the majority of the cardinals and bishops, who have the same spirit as him, were appointed by Bergoglio himself. The others are cowardly afraid to stand up for Christ and for the truth. Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò is a rare exception. May the Polish bishops follow his example!
If a priest is punished with excommunication for not mentioning the name of a heretical pseudo Pope, is it valid?
No, the excommunication is null and void both before God and before the Church of Christ! But the priests and the faithful, who are under the cloud of the curse brought down by Bergoglio, take this false excommunication as true. The priest concerned chooses to abandon the fight as he is unable to confront the aura of lies engulfing the present-day Catholic Church. Many deceived priests and parishioners themselves view him as a criminal.
So what can we do against this fraudulent system of lies?
There must be a brave priest who will tell his faithful the truth. There must also be brave believers who will say: We will defend our priest and will not allow the bishop to throw him out of our parish for opposing a heretic and his power structure and remaining faithful to Christ and Catholic teaching. If a priest finds this support in you, his faithful, and if more priests in the diocese join together and do not respect the aura of lies, the process of salvation will begin. It will be a struggle, but the bishop will be powerless to criminally punish the priests faithful to Christ. Of course, the bishop will then be subjected to Bergoglio’s punishment, i.e. dismissal. Then the bishop needs to write a pastoral letter explaining the situation to the faithful.
It is important that the majority of the priests and the faithful in the diocese stand in his defence. He will then have the strength to separate from the jurisdiction of the false Pope. In this way he will save himself and the whole diocese. If one bishop does this, he will set a saving precedent for all of Poland. Even if the other bishops continue to deceive the Catholics, holding them under the sway of lies and in submission to a man who brings a curse upon Poland, the people and the priests in individual dioceses will be able to recognize the traitors of Christ. They will defy them and boo them out of their dioceses. Why will they have this power to resist?
Thanks to the fact that there will already be a rescue alternative in Poland. The people will know that these traitors, instead of following it, are opposing it.
What is the hope for Poland?
Thank God there are still orthodox-minded bishops besides the liberal ones in the Polish episcopate. So there is hope that if one bishop stands up for Christ like Archbishop Viganò did, with the support of the Polish people Poland will see a spiritual breakthrough and be saved. The liberal bishops will then either voluntarily resign, or they will conform and not publicly show their inner attitude of betrayal. They will thus be forced, with the whole Church in Poland, to separate themselves from the curse brought by the false Pope.
What steps need to be taken to achieve this?
Active lay people must encourage priests to remain faithful to the Catholic faith and to reject apostasy. Priests, together with the laity, must put pressure on their bishop. It will be a decisive gesture if priests stop mentioning the name of the arch-heretic Bergoglio in the Mass. If a bishop punishes the priest with excommunication or other sanctions, let the priest disobey the bishop. Such a bishop is subject to the penalty of latae sententiae excommunication for unity with a heretic and his apostate agenda.
Can the priest disobey?
He must disobey! Why? Because we must obey God rather than man, and all the more so when this person publicly advocates heresy and destroys the Church. Today, it is so-called holy obedience that is most abused to achieve self-destruction of the Church. This is a gross crime against truth and God. That is also why lies prevail, the innocent are punished and criminals are canonized.
When people are told about the situation, they mostly prefer to ignore it. They think that everything continues in the same old rut, that everything is fine, and that they should obey the so-called Pope as if they were obeying Christ Himself. What to do?
It is true that many people are unable to believe and accept the harsh reality that the greatest traitor of Christ, who is opposed to Christ, now holds the papal office. That is why we need to mobilize for prayer. This spirit of deception cannot be broken by human power. God wants there to be an inner awakening of each individual through true repentance, separation from the spirit of this world, and receiving the Spirit of Christ, the Spirit of truth. Raising public awareness is necessary, but without prayer and an inner relationship with Christ it has no power.
When you try to mobilize yourself for prayer on your own, it usually does not last long. What to do?
A fixed prayer schedule must be adopted. Its basis is the Holy Hour from 8 to 9pm. Without it, the Catholic family loses faith and God’s Spirit, and the internet, the smartphone and the television take centre stage. All this brings in a worldly spirit and does not allow prayer. The Holy Hour must begin punctually and no day should be skipped. This will bring a change of spirit and the power of God to the family. The spirit of the world will decrease and the Spirit of Christ will increase.
Is anything else needed to change the spirit in the Catholic environment today?
There is need of spiritual support from prayer groups keeping prayer watches. Another way of deepening faith is for men in particular to spend one day a month in prayer groups. It is the so-called Fatima Saturday. Prayer watches and Fatima Saturday are explained in more detail in Part 1.
What should the bishops of Poland do?
They should truthfully reflect on the critical situation, write a pastoral letter about the state of the Church, and then take a saving step. They should announce publicly before the whole world that the Catholics of Poland remain faithful to Christ and His teachings, that they reject the false teachings of the invalid Pope as well as his usurpation of the papal office and separate themselves from him. If this does not happen, the pseudo Pope will fire the bishops faithful to Christ and install his own. This will bring a curse on all of Poland, which will manifest itself in spiritual blindness and a process of self-destruction.
What will be the consequences of the bold step of separating from the jurisdiction of the pseudo Pope?
Of course, the apostate Vatican will first seek to denigrate the Polish bishops with pious platitudes and half-truths about fidelity to the Catholic Church, the danger of schism and the tearing apart of the Catholic Church, and will refer to so-called holy obedience to the so-called Holy Father. Bergoglio’s Vatican will then also threaten priests and believers with excommunications. But first they will try to divide the bishops in a cunning way and drag them back under the curse along with the Polish nation. The methods of deception, lies and manipulation of the apostate pseudo Pope are publicly known.
What positive impact will the separation of the Polish bishops from the pseudo Pope have?
A big one! Their step will be a salvation not only to Poland but to the whole world. The bishops of Africa, who also rejected the suicidal and heretical Fiducia supplicans declaration, like the Polish bishops, will soon follow suit. For the time being, Bergoglio and his sect are trying to gradually dismantle them with various half-truths or religious platitudes, and thus drag them once again under the curse that this sect has brought upon the Catholic Church.
Bergoglio has publicly stated that everyone, everyone will eventually accept his Fiducia supplicans. Therefore, the step of separation must be taken as soon as possible. By separating itself from global apostasy, that is, from the transformation of the Catholic Church into a New Age antichurch with a sodomite antigospel, Poland will create the conditions for the acceptance of a legitimate Pope. He will once again uphold the teachings of Scripture and Tradition, which provide a guarantee of saving faith and the observance of God’s laws.
What about the papacy today?
According to the laws of the Church and the logic of faith, the Church today has no Pope. It is absolutely clear that a man dedicated to Satan cannot be the head of the Church. The Church is in a state of sede vacante. Those who inwardly submit to an invalid Pope draw down upon themselves the anathema of God which rests upon him.
What punishment does the Scripture prescribe for a person who takes the highest office in the Church and opposes the very essence, that is, introduces a different doctrine contrary to the Gospel?
As for Scripture, it is clearly written: “Even if … an angel from heaven preaches any other gospel than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed! As I have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed!” (Gal 1:8-9) The pseudo Pope Bergoglio preaches a different – false, sodomite, covid and climate… pseudo gospel. He is therefore anathematized by God.
And when the Pope commits heresy, how does the Church’s tradition deal with it?
Pope Paul IV (1559) in his bull Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio, Pope Innocent III and sound theologians teach that a heretical pope is deposed by God.
For example, St Anthony, the bishop (1459), wrote: “In the case in which the Pope would become a heretic, he would find himself, by that very fact alone and without any other sentence, separated from the Church. A head separated from a body cannot be head of the same body from which it was cut off.”
St Francis de Sales (1622) states: “When the Pope is explicitly a heretic, he falls ipso facto from his dignity and out of the Church…”
Canonists Wernz and Vidal, in their 1943 interpretation of Canon Law, explain: “Through notorious and openly divulged heresy, the Roman Pontiff, should he fall into heresy, by that very fact [ipso facto] is deemed to be deprived of the power of jurisdiction even before any declaratory judgement by the Church.”
St Alphonsus of Liguori confirms this fact by saying: “If God were to permit a pope to become a notorious and contumacious heretic, he would by such fact cease to be pope, and the apostolic chair would be vacant (sede vacante).”
St Robert Bellarmine (1610) made a well-known statement: “The Pope who is manifestly a heretic ceases by himself to be Pope and head, in the same way as he ceases to be a Christian and a member of the body of the Church.”
St Bellarmine also states: “And this is what St Jerome writes, adding that the other sinners are excluded from the Church by sentence of excommunication, but the heretics exile themselves and separate themselves by their own act from the body of Christ… The non-Christian cannot in any way be Pope … cannot be head of what he is not a member. He who is not a Christian is not a member of the Church, and a manifest heretic is not a Christian, as is clearly taught by St Cyprian (lib. 4, epist. 2), St Athanasius (Scr. 2 cont. Arian.), St Augustine (lib. De grat. Christ. cap. 20), St Jerome (Dial. contra Luc.) and others; therefore the manifest heretic cannot be Pope.
St Bellarmine went on to say that nothing could be worse for the Church and that “it would be the most miserable condition of the Church, if she would be compelled to acknowledge a manifestly tearing wolf for a shepherd.”
And further, this holy cardinal emphasized: “Therefore, the true opinion is the one according to which the Pope who is manifestly a heretic ceases by himself to be Pope and head, in the same way as he ceases to be a Christian and a member of the body of the Church; and for this reason he can be judged and punished by the Church. This is the opinion of all the Fathers, who teach that manifest heretics immediately lose all jurisdiction.”
What actually happened through the declaration Fiducia supplicans, which Bergoglio proclaimed on 18 December 2023?
Through this declaration, the Catholic Church was covertly transformed into an antichurch that no longer has Catholic doctrine and rejects God’s laws and commandments. Fiducia supplicans ecclesiastically legalizes and blesses the outrageous sin of sodomy, thereby abrogating the Decalogue and the Creed.
Is the Mass valid if the priest says the name of this so-called Pope?
A priest or bishop who is in inner union with the apostasy of the so-called Pope Bergoglio no longer celebrates the Mass validly. Why? Because such a priest has renounced Christ’s teachings, expelled God’s Spirit, embraced heresies and the spirit of antichrist. The sacraments are invalid without the Holy Spirit. Therefore, the Consecration at Mass by such an apostate is void and his Mass is a mere pious spectacle.
What about priests who say the name of the invalid Pope in the Holy Mass but are not in inner union with him?
It is up to you, the faithful, to support them with prayer watches and to obtain the grace for at least a handful of priests in the diocese to unite and stop mentioning the pseudo Pope. One man can hardly withstand the pressure. The apostate system would destroy them one by one. If they know that you will stand up for them, they will stop mentioning the apostate, even when threatened that they will be thrown out of the parish for keeping to the true faith, and they will thus also remove the curse passed on to you through the pseudo Pope.
Isn’t there hope that when Bergoglio dies, a true Catholic Pope will be duly elected, and therefore we should wait until he dies, as Bishop Schneider advised?
Such advice is absurd. Bergoglio has already appointed a majority of cardinals and established an apostate system which, even if a true Catholic Pope is elected, will not allow him to make any substantial changes. In fact, it is not even possible anymore for a true Catholic candidate to be elected in an official way as a proper Pope. Bergoglio’s system has put an end to the institution of the papacy! Bergoglio’s papacy and his antichurch have nothing to do with Christ and the Church of Christ. If the papacy is to be saved, it must be restored, and in an extraordinary way, by the acceptance of a true and legitimate Pope.
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