OP2408-16-6 After Action Report

5 months ago


Intelligence staff for 2nd Battalion, Chernarus 24th Separate Light Mountain Rifle Brigade, received reports from local agents that a separatist force had entered and taken over the village of Radacz in Livonia, and had brought with them a Russian speaking mercenary unit.

According to those reports, those mercenaries were detaining some unidentified individuals, and either eliminating them, or preparing them for forced evacuation. Our local agents said that those mercenaries were brought in to eliminate any opposition to the separatists takeover.

Operations staff for the battalion assembled a task force consisting of four light rifle squads, one BRDM Scout car, and two T-72 tanks. The task force's instructions were to attack and clear the village, eliminate the civilian criminal command operatives group, and locate and eliminate the four Russian speaking mercenaries.

The operation was launched pre dawn, and included a 40 minute long overland march. Directly at sun up, the attack could commence. The tactical plan for the attack was for all four rifle squads to advance on the village from the southwest on a broad front, enter it, and push the enemy out of the village. Supporting them initially were the two T-72 tanks, which eliminated enemy vehicles.

Command Squad, which doubled as a task force's assault element, led the assault into town, pushing its way up to the location where the two civilian criminal command operatives were holed up. Commander could only locate a female minder, who was eliminated, documents and a cell phone found on her person was seized.

The other three rifle squads were ordered to press on further north and northwest directions to locate and eliminate the four mercenaries. As they did, enemy light infantry counterattacks arrived, and casualties mounted. Commander ordered the four rifle squads to fall back behind the line established by Command Squad in the center of the village.

Enemy counterattacks had reached Tank 2, which was deployed to the west in an open field. Enemy infantry antitank units destroyed Tank 2. At that point, friendly reinforcements arrived, in the form of T-55 tank desant troops. Both of those tanks were ordered to the west to cover the western flank of our attack.

Enemy counterattacks were pressed hard against Command Squad, and included Serbian regulars, and Chechen militia. In addition, enemy drones arrived in the village, and caused significant damage, especially to 3rd Squad, which was wiped out. The remnants of the task force forced back the counterattacks and held the village. Battalion operations staff ordered the task force to cease operations and to return to base.

Losses were moderate. Tank 2 was destroyed, and 3rd Squad was wiped out. The entire task force withdrew from Radacz in good order.

Field counts of enemy losses included six UAVs, two technicals, and one BRDM scout car.

Battalion intelligence staff, post operation, determined that the separatists had suffered moderate damage to their forces, having failed to commit heavy armor to the fight in Radacz. That said, it will be sometime before the separatist can launch a new operation.

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