7 months ago

Greeting of the Day, Counsel, Distinguished Others and Nonessential Members of the Community in Faith:

Through a glass darkly, but face to face, recorded one writer of debatably nonessential value; however, at least in the discipline of intelligence, where some find sheep amongst wolves not being therefor wise, we remain vigilant because even Sun Tsu had noted how war is based upon deception, giving rise to ruses and feints and even why we wear camoflage, for those who may have believed it was a fashion statement. You don't wanna be seen on a battlefielt, because there is a place you shall go, and it ain't Heaven. Let a hint to the wise be sufficient, as my Father used to say in Black church.

Former Senator Howard Baker had said that the first and last lesson of a politician is when you learn how to count, about which he actually meant that camoflage allusion, and from the last brief from the White House, if anyone happens to be looking for a new trustee to count the offering, look no further, because apparently they can get all the way up to 90, and even add. Not much on understanding percentages and probability, much like one court since October still trying to determine the probability of success associated with a less than five percent chance, and apparently, regardless what some may have thought about the prudence of following the science, it all looks like, what was that technical term they use at the White House, Johnny Boy? "Gobbledygook?" "Flotsam and Jetsam?"

And we wonder how we managed to find the longest respiratory tract infection pandemic in history, exceeding even the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918-1919, during which we ddn't even rapidly develop amazing vaccines and then impose mandates to use them. We at least have some variable to consider. R-Naught. Pandemic humor.

But, call it a bizarre conspiracy theory, but we appear to have some significant events along a timeline after somehow tracking on a FOIA request got a little out of whack, but Johnny Boy is set to explain all of that and demonstrate how no tortious conduct had occurred or any violations of the FOIA, notwithstanding the deadlines, which don't matter as much as page counts, or body counts, for that matter.

So, in under 45 pages, when not counting exhibits, this is a motion for abeyance of judgment, until we hear this spectacular explanation that did not come anywhere near a presumptive claim of executive privilege, reserved for matters of national security, a/k/a classified crap.

Goodnight, John Boy, and, Chaplains, can ya close us all out in prayer?


Major Mike Webb

You can't save the world if you are NEVER born!

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