Bill Gates history exposed in Singapore & India - Monkey Pox spread in Singapore

6 months ago

Covid19 patent Ground Zero launch was in Wuhan China where CDC Tony Faucis & Bill Gates dirty pademic businesses are located. The Flu viral spread infection also came through WEF-WHO-UN Treaties of the Rothchilds to contract their members as Politicians in positions planted to LOCK DOWN THE WORLD! 5years later a possible 150 million Dead & Injured from Vaccine injections & now in 2024 they reporting Singapore as the Next Viral Disease Monkey Pox. Singapore is the same country Bill Gates started his history dirty business.
Now, we see Singapore CDC Center for disease control is Responding to a case of a 61year old european male with MPox - monkey pox - could this lead to another Lockdown globally? By USA planting its CDC biosecurity WEF-WHO-UN Labs in locations for more population reduction assaults raiding private estates by BONDS TRADING of people as stock collateral slaves:
Where is Justice? Why do these eugenics philantrapists war criminals remain untouched? Bill & Melinda gates foundation should be criminal investigated & audited & ALL THEIR BILLIONS SEIZED! Releasing Mosquitos Vaccines using their dirty Bio Security contracts through Regional Councils this satanic evil needs to be JUSTIFIED! THEY ARE NOT HUMAN & SHOULD BE Identitfied as a Local-national-international threat to Humanity! WHERE IS JUSTICE?
Bill Gates Rothschilds - Rothchilds-crown-vatican courts- banks-miltary-medical-media Empire explained exposed:
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