China Stock Delistings Set to Reach Another Record for a Third Consecutive Year

4 months ago

08/23/2024 WION News: China's stock markets are poised for record delistings for a third consecutive year. According to Bloomberg statistics, 40 companies have been delisted from the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges so far this year, and nine more firms have expressed their intention to be delisted as well. This puts the total on pace to surpass the previous record established in 2023, which stood at 45. This is due to stricter regulations aimed at weeding out weaker numbers and a surge in initial public offerings during the last decade.
#Delisting #chinesestockmarket #oneyuanrule
08/23/2024 世界一体新闻台:中共国股市将连续第三年创下退市记录。根据《彭博社》的数据,今年已有40家公司从上海和深圳证券交易所退市,另有9家公司表示他们也可能退市。这使得今年退市公司总数预计将超过2023年创下的历史最高纪录45家。其原因是监管机构为剔除弱势企业引入了更严格的规则,以及过去十年间首次公开募股数量激增。
#退市 #中国股市 #1元退市规则

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