i guess i replaced my smoking hand w/ my keyboard hand

6 months ago

chasin tail...CLASSIC ag trashville ballcap courtesy of myrtle beach, THE most ghetto beach in the world
i can't see shit right now that damn sun
how many more x are we gonna listen to this album, you tell me vortex
green goo face courtesy of being the smoothie queen
one of the guys that doesn't give a fuck how shitty we look
shame for not looking up to speck, whatever man
i am going to a dermatologist tho
don't got enough pride to wipe the crusties off my face
why does it take a year to turn right
my driving is not very good so i should probably shut up
this is a cool angle
it's too bad that ag couldn't have been in the allman bros band
there you go some smoothie mouth
yawl like my meow rendition
i can do that w/ certain jazz songs and st. vincent's guitar parts
my friend brad compared my piano punk to jazz n you know i can't take that
making music legit makes me happy so i feel i'm supposed to do it, it's also a major release
how piano punk started back in 2017
fave thing to do: drive around chain smoking
it's not anywhere near as calculated as i wish it was
very rare that i'd utilize an idea immediately, piano punk was one of the few
that's a thelonious (mini cooper) look alike on that tow truck
4 x i think, poor thang
so jealous of guitar players
i'm sure it was written for melissa BECUZ he cheated on her (seventies)

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