Reality Engineering Code Review: Is The Reality Engineering Code Legit?

6 months ago

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What Are The Core Principles of The Reality Engineering Code?
The Reality Engineering Code is built on several core principles, drawing insights from psychology, quantum physics, and metaphysics. To fully understand how this system functions and what it seeks to achieve, it's essential to explore these foundational ideas.
1 Quantum Theory and the Observer Effect: The Reality Engineering Code also draws on concepts from quantum theory, particularly the observer effect. In quantum physics, the observer effect describes how observing a particle can change its behavior. The program likens this principle to the idea that our thoughts and focus can shape the outcomes in our lives.
According to the Reality Engineering Code, just as observing a particle can change its state, concentrating on a specific outcome can influence one’s experiences. This principle underpins the program’s emphasis on visualization and focused intention as tools for manifestation. By directing thoughts and energy toward a desired reality, individuals can “collapse” potential quantum outcomes into the reality they want…

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1 The Power of the Subconscious Mind: A key element of The Reality Engineering Code is the belief in the vast influence of the subconscious mind. The program suggests that the subconscious mind is pivotal in shaping our reality by guiding our thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors. The idea is that by reprogramming the subconscious mind, individuals can alter their external circumstances and manifest their desires.
The Reality Engineering Code explains that the subconscious mind operates automatically, running on scripts formed by past experiences, societal influences, and repeated thoughts. These scripts shape how we perceive the world and the reality we experience. The program claims that by identifying and modifying these scripts, people can craft a new reality that aligns with their goals and aspirations…

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