Invitation to Release It! Online Spirit Life Workshops

6 months ago

Hello everyone! I'm Dr. Michelle Kirby, and I’m so excited
to invite you to our upcoming Release It sessions, starting
Saturday, August 31st, from 11 AM to 1 PM EST.

This is more than just a workshop series; it’s a spiritual journey designed to help you discover and release the assignment God has
placed on your heart.

Release It is part of our Online Spirit Life Workshops and is
based on the stages of having a baby—a powerful metaphor
for birthing the calling God has given you. Whether it be a podcast,
a house church, a book, or other ministry, Online Spirit Life
Workshops is here to help.

Over the course of 12 Saturdays, we'll walk you through these stages: from conception, through incubation, to birth, and finally, growth.
You can attend any or all of these sessions, and if you can’t
make it live, you can watch the replay for up to 90 days.

Our first session, Conception 1: Expecting a Baby/Assignment
and Preparing Your Spiritual Mindset, will be led by myself,
Dr. Patty Sadallah, and Evangelist Kimberly Jones. This event
will include not only deep instruction but also activation to
help you start releasing your God-given assignment.

Each session costs $37, but we offer 25% to 30% discounts
for members of Online Spirit Life Workshops, and there’s a bulk discount if you enroll in all of the events. Don’t miss this opportunity to
grow and walk in your calling.

To register, head over to our website under the Release It tab
at We
can’t wait to walk with you on this incredible journey. God

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