7 months ago

What do you think you know!? Do you think we know what we “think we know”! Assumptions really stink, they reek of deception and deceiving. Do we actually believe that an assumption is true. Do you really know it? You speak like you know, but do you truly know? What do you know? Think on it! That is a simple question. Now add this: What do you “absolutely” know, that makes it more detailed.

What are you stepping out on? Is it something you know? Or is it something you “think you know”! Stepping out on something that you think you know is a dangerous way to walk on a narrow path. What is it you “think you know”? Think about it!! It could be like stepping out on slippery mud and sinking in.

Do you think you can know another person’s motive? I don’t! I think so many assumptions are made about other people’s motives and the motive of another person is something we can’t truly, absolutely know.

A lot of people judge people and condemn people on what they think they know. When you “think you know” someone else’s motive, you really can’t know that. Only God can. Assuming what another person’s motive is, this is the enemies playground and he loves stirring up strife between people by using this scheming tactic of telling us what their motive is. The enemy can’t know that, we can’t know that, only God can know a person’s motive.

God is the source of all knowledge and we human beings do not know what we think we know. The more we get this godly wisdom in our hearts, the less we will wrongly judge other people, and the less we will condemn people on assumptions, making an ASS out of you and me as we falsely accuse another person based on what we can’t truly know.

We don’t know what we truly think we know. God knows. So let’s make a point of walking out of this godly wisdom and less and less will we condemning others for things they have not done. Yes, we don’t know what we think we know, but God knows. God is our best source of knowledge, discernment and truth. Turn To God!

Dig Deeper: https://thebridegroomscafe.com/he-knows/

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