We gotta talk about this... Dr. Rashid Buttar| Girl Gossip TV

1 month ago

Hey guys, today I came across one of Dr. Rashid Buttar video's and he mentioned a House Resolution 6666 or House Rule (Bill) that has been initiated to Congress. Now, this House Rule initiated on May 1st, 2020 is 4 covid-19 called the Trace Act.

The Trace Act, which stands for testing, reaching, and contacting everyone. And this has started and a city somewhere in California.

This house rule which will allow the government to come into our homes and test us for covid-19. Now we already know that some of the test they were given people were contaminated with the covid-19 virus and we're harming people. And we already know that the number of deaths the mainstream news were giving to the public were false reports, false data. So now they want to further invade our privacy and just basically outright disrespect us as hummus, as people, as a grown folks with churn and grandchildren and expect us to just sit back and let them do it?!

So if your mother, or your father, or your sister, or your brother, or your nephew, or your niece, or your boyfriend, or your wife, or your husband, or your girlfriend, or your godson, or your cousin etc. test positive for the covid-19 virus, they can be removed and taken to an unknown place because of the false positive test.

Is this ludicrous or what? Now they ass have already social distanced us, I call it socially disturbed our damn piece, by making us stay-at-home and stay away from our friends and family members and really just disrupt our life as we have always known it. Now you're telling me that they want to further invade our privacy by this bill that they want to pass to do just that invade our privacy.

What was the whole purpose of the quarantine? They told us to stay in our homes, and they told us that if we were sick we should isolate ourselves in a separate room from our family members inside of our household until 14 days and we're feeling better. So what will be the need of them coming into our homes to test us, especially for those who are asymptomatic meaning we don't even have symptoms so why would they even want to test us?

Let me know in the comments what you guys think. Let me know in the comments what do y'all think is going on with this virus? Do you think that there's an underlying issue that they're not telling us about the virus that we should be be concerned about? Spam the comments with your thoughts and opinions on what you believe is going on and what are you going to do to protect yourself and protect your family and loved ones from this craziness!!

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