6 months ago

Some great Movie news to close out your week. YIKES

MEGALOPOLIS - A conflict between Cesar, a genius artist who seeks to leap into a utopian, idealistic future, and his opposition, Mayor Franklyn Cicero, who remains committed to a regressive status quo, perpetuating greed, special interests, and partisan warfare.

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this is easily one of the dumbest series of events I'm actually he from this because of it's so baffling so a few days ago we got a new trailer for megalopolis Francis Ford cop's upcoming movie and they opened it in a unique way they showcased all of these negative reviews from his previous movies that are now classified as like masterpieces or have a really high Rotten Tomato score and truly I thought that this was one of the biggest like flop your just meat on the table and be like hey here it is however with within hours people were they thought things were a little sketchy because they did some deep diving and they could not find these quotes that are claimed to be in the trailer well it turns out that all of these quotes that were like throwing his previous work under the bus were in fact fake and I think that they were doing this of like creating this Narrative of don't trust critics or early reviews because they don't know what they're talking about they doubted these previous movies that are really really good so they're probably doing the same with this Lion's gate was caught with their pants around their ankles you know coming up saying we screwed up we are sorry but that's not where it ends the fake quotes from the trailer were AI generated you got to be kidding me they went on to then say that they fired their marketing consultant how could you not come up with a fake review okay Godfather uh a a messy Mafia misstep boom that took literally 5 Seconds obviously all of this is incredibly stupid and then playing with the whole trust factor that in of itself is sketchy but then my brain is thinking how much how much did you pay this marketing consultant to theoretically do not even the bare minimum he did nothing I potentially see this as the beginning of this kind of fake marketing if that makes sense but also no longer really trusting critics or professionals or people that have put so much time into their work or their craft and instead going with someone that has a check mark Or maybe a big number next to their name again I think that this is a huge misstep really stupid really damning and potentially dangerous for the potential future of film marketing maybe I'm crazy I don't know please let me know your thoughts over there

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