Thuringia ticker: “Election arena” rennsteigtv

6 months ago

Excerpts from the Thüringer Brat und Mettwurst election campaign.
rennsteigtv vsörnHöckeAfD
Thuringia ticker: “Election arena” Thüringer Allgemeine:
Thuringia ticker: "Election Arena" with top candidates +++ Motorcyclist fatally injured in southern Thuringia
08/23/2024, 09:25 PM • Reading time: 54 minutes
Björn Höcke (links), AfD-Spitzenkandidat in Thüringen, und Mario Voigt, CDU-Spitzenkandidat, diskutieren auf einer Bühne im Rahmen der „Wahl-Arena“ des Freien Worts.
Björn Höcke (left), AfD top candidate in Thuringia, and Mario Voigt, CDU top candidate, discuss on a stage as part of the "election arena" of the Free Word.
© DPA Images | Hannes P Albert
Just over a week before the state election in Thuringia, the top candidates met in Suhl. +++ A motorcyclist was killed in an accident on Friday afternoon.

Ramelow against Höcke as Thuringian Prime Minister? - Head of government with higher values
Thief smashes car window - despite child in the car
Dead motorcyclist found on dirt road
Thuringian politicians and their bizarre election videos
Suspicion of child pornography among politicians: Questions and answers on the status of the investigations
Friday, August 23
9:25 p.m.: Heated dispute between Ramelow, Voigt and Höcke in Suhl
A few days before the state elections, Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow appealed to the other parties to ensure a stable government in Thuringia. "There must be no minority government," said the top candidate of the Left Party at an election arena of the newspaper "Freies Wort" in Suhl. Whoever has the most votes among the democratic parties after the vote on September 1 must approach the others. "Of course, I will talk to the CDU if they invite me," Ramelow said.

During the discussion, there were fierce battles of words between AfD top candidate Björn Höcke and Ramelow, but also Höcke and the CDU top candidate Mario Voigt. "The fact that you are still standing here is an imposition for many people," Höcke said to Ramelow. "I feel the same way," replied the attacked.

At the election arena to which the newspaper had invited its readers, there was repeated applause for the AfD leader, who called the CDU and the Left Party "cartel parties". "Is this an AfD election event or a readers' forum?" Ramelow asked the audience.

Among other things, energy policy was controversially discussed. The AfD rejects wind energy in principle, Höcke said. He also pleaded for "the energy partnership with Russia" to be renewed. Voigt pleaded for a technology-open mix of energy plants and accused Höcke of having no solutions for Thuringia.

In current polls, the AfD is currently far ahead of the other parties that reject cooperation with it with 30 percent. The CDU comes to 23 percent, the Left Party to 13 to 14 percent. The AfD is classified and observed by the Thuringian Office for the Protection of the Constitution as proven right-wing extremist. (dpa)

Björn Höcke (ab 2.v.l- 2.v.r), AfD-Spitzenkandidat in Thüringen, Mario Voigt, CDU-Spitzenkandidat, und Bodo Ramelow (Die Linke), Ministerpräsident von Thüringen, diskutieren auf einer Bühne im Rahmen der „Wahl-Arena“ des Freien Worts.
Björn Höcke (from 2nd from left - 2nd from right), AfD top candidate in Thuringia, Mario Voigt, CDU top candidate, and Bodo Ramelow (Die Linke), Prime Minister of Thuringia, discuss on a stage as part of the "Election Arena" of the Free Word.
© DPA Images | Hannes P Albert
9:14 p.m.: Rot-Weiß Erfurt sweeps Zwickau out of the stadium
Perfect mood for the Thuringia derby: After two defeats in the regional football league, FC Rot-Weiß Erfurt was able to celebrate with its fans again on Friday evening. In front of more than 6000 spectators, the Thuringians defeated FSV Zwickau 4-2 (4-1). They laid the foundation for the second win of the season with a brilliant first half.

8.45 p.m.: Motorcyclist fatally injured in southern Thuringia
A motorcyclist was killed in an accident in the district of Hildburghausen on Friday afternoon. According to information from MDR Thüringen, the 63-year-old was traveling with a group of other bikers in Wiedersbach in the district of Hildburghausen when he hit the road verge with his rear wheel. As a result, he lost control of his motorcycle, went off the road and hit a tree. The man died at the scene of the accident. It is already the sixth fatal motorcycle accident in Thuringia in the past four weeks.

8:20 p.m.: Debate about state development company in Thuringia
Wolfgang Tiefensee (SPD), chairman of the supervisory board of the state development company (LEG) and Thuringian Minister of Economic Affairs, opposes the criticism of BSW's top candidate for the state election in Thuringia, Katja Wolf. In the podcast "Let's talk about Thuringia", she had complained about the LEG's fixation on Erfurt, Jena and the Erfurt Cross. "There is no fixation on any regions," Tiefensee told this newspaper. The LEG will be active nationwide "where it is needed and also in demand from the regions". According to Tiefensee, Wolf apparently puts subjective perceptions into the room as statements without knowledge of facts.

7:58 p.m.: Thuringian election campaign: Who makes the most clicks
On the Internet, too, the parties are fighting for every click before the Thuringian state elections. Which strategies are behind it and which parties benefit most.

7:37 p.m.: City funfair in Mühlhausen is open: The videos of the big folk festival 2024
The 147th Mühlhausen City Fair will take place from August 23 to September 1, 2024. The city of Mühlhausen expects around 100,000 guests on ten fair days. Here we have collected the most beautiful videos from the festival.

7:12 p.m.: Tax-free up to 2000 euros? New debate on pensions
New figures from the Federal Statistical Office show that an increasing proportion of the pension benefits paid in Thuringia have to be taxed. Before the state elections in a few days, Bundestag member Sahra Wagenknecht, who is currently on a campaign tour for her party for the state elections in Thuringia, criticizes pension taxation as a "big mistake of politics" and calls for a pension tax brake. This is what the bare numbers look like.

6:35 p.m.: Commitment Award in Thuringia: Commitment knows no age limit
The Thuringian Volunteer Foundation awarded the Thuringian Engagement Award for the eighth time on Friday. An outstanding example of active commitment is this year's award winner in the category "Seniors from 65 years", Gudrun List from Schwerstedt. The versatile volunteer is involved in numerous projects that enrich community life in her hometown in the long term.

5:56 p.m.: Bouncy castles as a business idea: A young father from the Kyffhäuser district conquers the market
From bouncy castle fan to entrepreneur: A father from the Kyffhäuser district turns his passion for collecting into a flourishing family business.

5:32 p.m.: What is the mental state of the Thuringians?
A current study on mental health in Germany will also provide concrete statements about the current well-being of Thuringians for the first time. The survey, led by a group of experts from the University Hospitals of Jena and Halle, will briefly survey the entire spectrum of mental health until October 11. This is how you can participate.

5:03 p.m.: Ministry: Subsidy for vaccination against bluetongue disease
Bluetongue disease has been spreading in herds of cattle, sheep and goats in Germany for months. Thuringia is also affected. Pet owners are supported with the costs of vaccination.

4 p.m.: Ramelow against Höcke as Thuringian Prime Minister? - Head of government with higher values
Thuringia's Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow (Left) has little chance of a third term in office - but in polls he is outpacing his challengers from the AfD and CDU. When asked about the desired prime minister in Thuringia, the 68-year-old came to 65 percent in a recent survey by the Elections Research Group for the ZDF Politbarometer despite weak trends for the Left.

3.20 p.m.: Carnival at the Mühlhausen city fair for Andrenalin-junkies and families
The Blobach festival grounds will be transformed into a meeting place for the whole family for the 147th Mühlhausen City Fair. The carnival is and remains the central meeting place for fair visitors. Here, showmen present themselves with tried-and-tested shops and technical innovations. Adrenaline junkies also get their money's worth. "For ten days, 36 rides and amusement shops, age-appropriate children's rides and festival-related snack and drink stalls guarantee varied hours and fun for all ages," the organizers announce.

3:09 p.m.: Thief smashes car window - despite child in the car
An unknown person smashed a car window in Jena and stole a handbag from it - although there was still a child in the back seat. According to the police, a witness observed yesterday afternoon how a cyclist drove up to the parked car. Then he suddenly smashed the side window and stole a leather handbag.

2.47 p.m.: Balcony fire at Erfurt's Herrenberg
The fire brigade had to extinguish a balcony fire in Erfurt's Hermann-Brill-Straße in the Herrenberg district today. The fire broke out at noon and quickly spread to the balcony above. This caused considerable damage. According to eyewitnesses, the apartment from which the fire originally started was also badly affected and is currently uninhabitable.

Der Balkon wurde stark beschädigt.
The balcony was badly damaged.
© Marcus Scheidel/MAS Bildagentur | Marcus Scheidel
1:37 p.m.: He's back: Cult figure is back at Erfurt City Hall
Damn, vacation over! That's probably what Bernd das Brot is thinking – at least that's what his less than euphoric look suggests. Today, after a four-week break, the Kika figure is toasted brown and visibly recovered from vacation.

Bernd das Brot ist vor dem Erfurter Rathaus gelandet.
Bernd the bread has landed in front of Erfurt's town hall.
© Erfurt City Administration | Vitalik Gürtler
1:01 p.m.: Motorcyclist found dead in the district of Greiz
A dead motorcyclist has been found in the district of Greiz. The police have not yet been able to conclusively clarify how the accident happened and why the 81-year-old died. In the course of the investigation, witnesses are being sought.

12.39 p.m.: Hotel construction on Hohe Sonne near Eisenach is eye-catcher
It grows and grows: One of the most prominent construction sites in Eisenach is an eye-catcher for locals and tourists alike. In the first step, a catering area and 28 rooms will be built with the Hotel auf der Hohe Sonne near Eisenach, including a water treatment plant required due to the limited supply via the Wartburg pipeline. Completion is scheduled for the second quarter of 2025. By then, the operator concept should also be in place. The son of the builder Dirk Bodes is a trained hotel manager.

Der Bau des Hotels auf der Hohen Sonne schreitet weiter voran. Mittlerweile sind die Dachdecker zu Gange.
The construction of the hotel on the Hohe Sonne continues to progress. In the meantime, the roofers are at work.
© Funke Medien Thuringia | Jensen Zlotowicz
12.17 p.m.: Passport procurement very difficult for intensive offenders from Apolda
One month after the announcement by the Thuringian Minister of the Interior to deport the Moroccan intensive offender living in Apolda "as soon as possible", the man is still in Germany. Apparently, obtaining a passport, which would be a prerequisite for both the repatriation of the 42-year-old and deportation detention, is more difficult than Georg Maier (SPD) had imagined. According to information from this newspaper, however, the Federal Police Headquarters supports the Free State in applying for a Moroccan passport.

11.57 a.m.: Furniture market moves: Erfurt shopping location is on the verge of complete vacancy
The opening was less than a year ago, and now the days of "Retourenmaster24" on Gothaer Straße in Erfurt are already numbered again. On October 1, a new furniture wholesaler with exhibition space and also individual sales is to open its doors at a new location.

11.32 a.m.: More lynxes are soon to roam through the Thuringian Forest
Off to freedom: The release of two more lynxes into the wild in the Thuringian Forest is intended to support the population of wildcats in Europe. According to the Ministry of the Environment, the animals will be released into the wild next Tuesday. As part of the species conservation project, the lynx "Frieda" and the lynx "Viorel" had already been released in the Thuringian Forest in May. (dpa)

11:05 a.m.: Court: AfD must grant media access to election party
Media companies are suing to gain access to an AfD election party on the day of the Thuringia election. There is a court order shortly afterwards - but the case could still continue.

10.52 a.m.: Goodbye beer safe: Youth welfare office turns off the tap to youth club in the Wartburg district
After an article by our newspaper in mid-July about the well-intentioned and well-received two beer safes in the municipality of Frauensee in the Wartburgkreis, the local youth club has to dismantle the two facilities built in June 2020 and June 2021 respectively. The Frauensee youth association, which is in charge of the project, has to put up with the accusation of violating the protection of minors with the two facilities.

Die Biersafes in Frauensee, hier der am Gansbergblick, müssen auf Anweisung des Jugendamtes des Wartburgkreises entfernt werden.
The beer safes in Frauensee, here the one at Gansbergblick, have to be removed on the instructions of the youth welfare office of the Wartburg district.
© Merlin Soschinka | Merlin Soschinka
10.50 a.m.: Millions of seedlings for reforestation in Thuringia
The Thuringian Forest is celebrating, but the times for the forest are not good due to years of drought and the bad bark beetle infestation. But not least with the help of the jubilarian, the forest tree nursery in Breitenworbis, which turned 60 this Friday, the situation should ease again at some point and hopefully even improve.

10 a.m.: Crashed into guardrail: 18-year-old seriously injured in motorcycle accident in Erfurt
Yesterday, an 18-year-old motorcyclist was seriously injured in a traffic accident on the north motorway entrance to the A71. According to the police, the young woman wanted to drive onto the motorway at around 5.45 p.m. at the Erfurt-Nord slip road in the direction of Schweinfurt. In the right-hand bend, she lost control of her Suzuki, crashed and crashed into the guardrail.

9.41 a.m.: Thuringian politicians compete: Who has the most bizarre election video?
At the latest when politicians try their hand at actors, singers and filmmakers again, we know: elections are imminent; this time in the land of poets and thinkers. The Thuringian top candidates are trying to make up for what they have missed over the years with election videos: generating votes, addressing a younger electorate and giving a good image of their respective parties. Sometimes, however, they achieve exactly the opposite and are exposed to ridicule and malice. We took a closer look at the election commercials of the parties.

9.15 a.m.: Like the Scots to the European Championship: Red and White fans help Erfurt senior citizen
Waltraud Hagedorn received unexpected help a few days ago from two Red and White fans. The senior citizen lives in the villa of the Augusta-Viktoria-Stift, just a stone's throw from the Steigerwald Stadium. In a letter to the editor of this newspaper, she describes the situation.

9 a.m.: Rail traffic in Thuringia in danger: Minister writes to Habeck and Wissing
Thuringia's Infrastructure Minister Susanna Karawanskij (Left) sees serious consequences from the planned increase in track access charges in rail transport. The announced increase would lead to additional costs of 30 million euros per year in Thuringia alone.

8.31 a.m.: 32-year-old seriously injured in accident in Erfurt - A71 closed for hours
Yesterday afternoon, a serious traffic accident occurred on the A71 in the direction of Sangerhausen. At Erfurt-Gispersleben, a 32-year-old wanted to overtake several trucks with his van. According to several witnesses, one of the trucks, without paying attention to the traffic behind, also pulled into the left lane. It was no longer possible for the young van driver to swerve or brake accordingly. He drove into the rear of the semi-trailer without braking. He was seriously injured. The 57-year-old truck driver was uninjured, according to the highway police.
Der 32-jährige Fahrer des Transporters erlitt schwere Verletzungen.
The 32-year-old driver of the van suffered serious injuries.
© Highway Police Inspectorate | Highway Police Inspectorate
8.12 a.m.: Weather in Thuringia: Midsummer returns
With lots of sun and temperatures around 30 degrees, sweating is the order of the day in Thuringia at the weekend. The prospects.

7.54 a.m.: Maier: Thuringia needs majority government
Thuringia's SPD top candidate Georg Maier considers a majority government in Thuringia necessary. It is crucial that the country moves forward after the phase of the minority government, he said in the ZDF morning magazine. "Thuringia needs a democratic majority government." The SPD wants to get involved and stand up for social issues. Maier is also Minister of the Interior in Thuringia. His Social Democrats have been part of a red-red-green alliance led by Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow (Left) for ten years. Half of the time, however, the coalition did not have its own majority in parliament and was partly outvoted by the opposition with votes from the AfD. (dpa)

7 a.m.: Favorable summer for bats – "Batnight" at the weekend
The weather has been good for the bats in Thuringia so far - unlike last year. Anyone who wants to learn more about the animals and get close to them has the chance to do so at the weekend.

6.27 a.m.: Child suspicion: Years of investigations against Thuringian MPs threaten
A member of the state parliament of the Left Party is said to have watched child pornography via his state parliament computer, but also possessed it. The state of the investigation.
23.08.2024, 21:25 A website of the FUNKE Media Group
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RIP 63-year-old motorcyclist!

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